Patents Pending


2D/3D Occluded Keypoint Localization Using Graph Networks

Depth Adaptive Laser Power
Depth Adaptive Laser Power
Depth Adaptive Laser Power
Depth Adaptive Laser Power


We present Occlusion-Net, a framework to predict 2D and 3D locations of occluded keypoints for objects, in a largely self-supervised manner. We use an off-the-shelf detector as input (e.g. MaskRCNN) that is trained only on visible key point annotations. This is the only supervision used in this work. A graph encoder network then explicitly classifies invisible edges and a graph decoder network corrects the occluded keypoint locations from the initial detector. Central to this work is a trifocal tensor loss that provides indirect self-supervision for occluded keypoint locations that are visible in other views of the object. The 2D keypoints are then passed into a 3D graph network that estimates the 3D shape and camera pose using the selfsupervised reprojection loss. At test time, Occlusion-Net successfully localizes keypoints in a single view under a diverse set of occlusion settings. We validate our approach on synthetic CAD data as well as a large image set capturing vehicles at many busy city intersections. As an interesting aside, we compare the accuracy of human labels of invisible keypoints against those predicted by the trifocal tensor


A graph encoder network then explicitly classifies invisible edges and a graph decoder network corrects the occluded keypoint locations from the initial detector. Central to this work is a trifocal tensor loss that provides indirect self-supervision for occluded keypoint locations that are visible in other views of the object. The 2D keypoints are then passed into a 3D graph network that estimates the 3D shape and camera pose using the selfsupervised reprojection loss. At test time, Occlusion-Net successfully localizes keypoints in a single view under a diverse set of occlusion settings.


Live Demo

We show the sample results of the occlusion network on a youtube live video running round the clock. We have been running the algorithm round the clock on a live youtube sequence and doing different analytics, which can be accessed at LIVE DEMO(Still Under Construction)


Results computed on Youtube live video with multiple occlusions

Results computed on another Youtube live video

Occlusion-net works in generic videos as well. Some Results computed using the code by third party user(Thanks for uploading to youtube and using the code)

More Details

For an in-depth description of the technology behind Occlusion-Net, please refer to our paper and the accompanying video.

"Occlusion-Net: 2D/3D Occluded Keypoint Localization Using Graph Networks"
N. Dinesh Reddy, Minh Vo, and Srinivasa Narasimhan
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2019.
[PDF][Poster] [Supp][Bibtex] [Code]


This work was funded in parts by Heinz Endowments, US DOT RITA (University Transportation Center and Mobility 21 Center), NSF #CNS-1446601 and DARPA REVEAL Phase 2 contract.

Copyright © 2019 Dinesh Reddy