Carnegie Mellon

Rande $hern
"Sailor on the Seas of Risk"
Carnegie Mellon University

Interests: Statistical Analysis, Quantitative Risk Management, Mathematical Finance, Theory of Random Processes

Advisors (past & present):
  Dr. Tucker Balch,
  Dr. Larry Wasserman

Lab Affiliations:
  1997-1998 Intelligent Software Agents Lab
  1998-2000 SCS Speech Group
  2000-2002 MultiRobot Lab - RoboSoccer, BioTracking
  2002-2004 CMU Astrophysics Group

Undergraduate Program:
  Mathematical Sciences, Mellon College of Science
    o Statistics, Computational Finance

Graduate Program:
  Center for Automated Learning and Discovery, SCS
    o Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining

  CMU Crew Team
  Gaming Club
  Finance Club

"The diversity of experiences, and people I became friends with at CMU, have enriched me by making me a stronger, and hopefully better person."

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