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3.1 A preliminary result

Before proving the main result of this section, we show that there is a schedule of length tex2html_wrap_inline1088 that uses queues of size tex2html_wrap_inline1090 . This preliminary result is substantially simpler to prove because of the relaxed bounds on the schedule length and queue size. Nevertheless, it illustrates the basic ideas necessary to prove the main result. We begin by proving a lemma that is used in the proofs of both the preliminary result and the main result.

Before proceeding, we need to introduce some notation. A T-frame is a sequence of T consecutive time steps. The frame congestion, C, in a T-frame is the largest number of packets that traverse any edge in the frame. The relative congestion, R, in a T-frame is the ratio tex2html_wrap_inline1104 of the congestion in the frame to the size of the frame.


Proof: The proof uses the Lovász Local Lemma. The first step is to assign an initial delay to each packet. Without loss of generality, we assume that c=d. The delays are chosen from the range tex2html_wrap_inline1118 , where tex2html_wrap_inline1120 is a fixed constant that will be determined later. In the resulting schedule, tex2html_wrap_inline1122 , a packet that is assigned a delay of x waits in its initial queue for x steps, then moves on to its destination without waiting again until it enters its final queue. The length of tex2html_wrap_inline1128 is at most tex2html_wrap_inline1130 . We use the Lovász Local Lemma to show that if the delays are chosen randomly, independently, and uniformly, then with nonzero probability the relative congestion in any frame of size tex2html_wrap_inline1132 or greater is at most 1. Thus, such a set of delays must exist.

To apply the Lovász Local Lemma, we associate a bad event with each edge. The bad event for edge g is that more than T packets use g in some T-frame, for tex2html_wrap_inline1144 . To show that there is a way of choosing the delays so that no bad event occurs, we need to bound the dependence, b, among the bad events and the probability, p, of each individual bad event occurring.

The dependence calculation is straightforward. Whether or not a bad event occurs depends solely on the delays assigned to the packets that pass through the corresponding edge. Thus, two bad events are independent unless some packet passes through both of the corresponding edges. Since at most c packets pass through an edge, and each of these packets passes through at most d other edges, the dependence, b, of the bad events is at most tex2html_wrap_inline1156 .

Computing the probability of each bad event is a little trickier. Let p be the probability of the bad event corresponding to edge g. Then


This expression is derived as follows. Frames of size greater than d cannot have relative congestion greater than 1, since the total congestion is only d. Thus, we can ignore them. We bound the probability that any frame has relative congestion greater than 1 by summing, over all frame sizes T from tex2html_wrap_inline1174 to d, the probability that some T-frame has relative congestion greater than 1. Furthermore, for any T, there are at most tex2html_wrap_inline1184 different T-frames and we bound the probability that any one of them has relative congestion greater than 1 by summing their individual probabilities. The number of packets passing through g in any T-frame has a binomial distribution. There are d independent Bernoulli trials, one for each packet that uses g. Since at most T of the possible tex2html_wrap_inline1200 delays will actually send a packet through g in the frame, each trial succeeds with probability tex2html_wrap_inline1204 . (Here we use the assumption that the paths are edge-simple.) The probability of more than T successes is at most tex2html_wrap_inline1208 .

For sufficiently large, but fixed, tex2html_wrap_inline1210 the product 4pb is less than 1, and thus, by the Lovász Local Lemma, there is some assignment of delays such that the relative congestion in any frame of size tex2html_wrap_inline1216 or greater is at most 1.

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Proof: For simplicity, we shall assume without loss of generality that c=d, so that the bounds on the length and queue size are tex2html_wrap_inline1230 and tex2html_wrap_inline1232 , respectively.

The proof has the following outline. We begin by using Lemma 3.2 to produce a schedule tex2html_wrap_inline1234 in which the number of packets that use an edge in any tex2html_wrap_inline1236 -frame is at most tex2html_wrap_inline1238 . Next we break the schedule into tex2html_wrap_inline1240 tex2html_wrap_inline1242 -frames, as shown in Figure 3. Finally, we view each tex2html_wrap_inline1244 -frame as a routing problem with dilation tex2html_wrap_inline1246 and congestion tex2html_wrap_inline1248 , and solve it recursively.

Figure 3: Schedule tex2html_wrap_inline1252 . The schedule is derived from the greedy schedule, tex2html_wrap_inline1254 , by assigning an initial delay in the range tex2html_wrap_inline1256 to each packet. We use the Lovász Local Lemma to show that within each tex2html_wrap_inline1258 -frame, at most tex2html_wrap_inline1260 packets pass through each edge.

Each tex2html_wrap_inline1262 -frame in tex2html_wrap_inline1264 can be viewed as a separate scheduling problem where the origin of a packet is its location at the beginning of the frame, and its destination is its location at the end of the frame. If at most tex2html_wrap_inline1266 packets use each edge in a tex2html_wrap_inline1268 -frame, then the congestion of the problem is tex2html_wrap_inline1270 . The dilation is also tex2html_wrap_inline1272 because in tex2html_wrap_inline1274 time steps a packet can move a distance of at most tex2html_wrap_inline1276 . In order to schedule each frame independently, a packet that arrives at its destination before the last step in the rescheduled frame is forced to wait there until the next frame begins.

All that remains is to bound the length of the schedule and the size of the queues. The recursion proceeds to a depth of tex2html_wrap_inline1278 at which point the frames have constant size, and at most a constant number of packets use each edge in each frame. The resulting schedule can be converted to one in which at most one packet uses each edge in each time step by slowing it down by a constant factor. Since the length of the schedule increases by a constant factor during each recursive step, the length of the final schedule is tex2html_wrap_inline1280 . The bound on the queue size follows from the observation that no packet waits at any one spot (other than its origin or destination) for more than tex2html_wrap_inline1282 consecutive time steps, and in the final schedule at most one packet traverses each edge at each time step.

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Bruce Maggs
Mon Jul 22 20:27:47 EDT 1996