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3.1 Worst case faults


In this section, we will prove that no matter how an adversary selects f switches to be faulty, there are always at least tex2html_wrap_inline1941 inputs and tex2html_wrap_inline1943 outputs through which any permutation on those inputs and outputs can be routed in tex2html_wrap_inline1945 steps. In fact, the greedy algorithm described in Section 2 works once we have removed an appropriate set of switches which include at most tex2html_wrap_inline1947 inputs and outputs.

We first describe which outputs to remove. Examine each splitter in the multibutterfly and check if more than an tex2html_wrap_inline1949 fraction of the input switches are faulty, where tex2html_wrap_inline1951 and tex2html_wrap_inline1953 . If so, then ``erase'' the splitter from the network as well as all descendant switches and outputs. The following lemma bounds the number of erased outputs.


Proof: The erasure of an M-input splitter causes the removal of M multibutterfly outputs, and accounts for at least tex2html_wrap_inline1961 faults. Hence, at most tex2html_wrap_inline1963 multibutterfly outputs are removed by this process.

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We next describe which inputs to remove. Working from level tex2html_wrap_inline1965 backwards, examine each switch to see if at least half of its upper output edges lead to faulty switches that have not been erased, or if at least half of its lower output edges lead to faulty switches that have not been erased. If so, then declare the switch to be faulty (but do not erase it). In the following lemmas, we will prove that at most tex2html_wrap_inline1967 additional switches are declared to be faulty at each level of this process. Hence, at most tex2html_wrap_inline1969 multibutterfly inputs will be faulty (declared or otherwise).


Proof: The proof is by induction on the level, starting at level tex2html_wrap_inline1977 and working backwards. The base case at level tex2html_wrap_inline1979 is trivial since there are no propagated faults on level tex2html_wrap_inline1981 . Now consider an arbitrary M-input splitter on level i. Let tex2html_wrap_inline1987 denote the set of faults propagated from the splitter's upper outputs and let tex2html_wrap_inline1989 denote those propagated from the lower outputs. If the upper outputs were erased, then tex2html_wrap_inline1991 . Otherwise, the number of faults placed by the adversary in the upper outputs is at most tex2html_wrap_inline1993 . Since each propagated input fault is connected to at most tex2html_wrap_inline1995 working upper outputs, we can conclude that tex2html_wrap_inline1997 . By induction, tex2html_wrap_inline1999 and tex2html_wrap_inline2001 . For tex2html_wrap_inline2003 and tex2html_wrap_inline2005 , we have a contradiction. A similar argument shows that tex2html_wrap_inline2007 .

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Proof: The proof is again by induction on the level. Consider some level l and assume that it has more than tex2html_wrap_inline2015 propagated faults. By Lemma 3.2, we know that these faults are divided among the splitters linking level l to l+1 so that we can apply the expansion property to the faults within each splitter. Hence there must be more than tex2html_wrap_inline2021 faults on level l+1. This is a contradiction however, since level l+1 can have at most tex2html_wrap_inline2027 total faults by induction. Hence, level l can have at most tex2html_wrap_inline2031 propagated faults.

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We now erase all the remaining faulty switches. This leaves a network with tex2html_wrap_inline2033 inputs and tex2html_wrap_inline2035 outputs. Moreover, every input in every splitter is linked to tex2html_wrap_inline2037 functioning upper outputs (if the descendant multibutterfly outputs exist) and tex2html_wrap_inline2039 functioning lower outputs (if the corresponding multibutterfly outputs exist). Hence every splitter has an tex2html_wrap_inline2041 expansion property. Thus, we can apply Theorem 2.1 with tex2html_wrap_inline2043 replaced by tex2html_wrap_inline2045 to prove that the greedy algorithm still routes any permutation on the remaining inputs and outputs in tex2html_wrap_inline2047 steps. This is summarized as Theorem 3.4 below. (Note that we can achieve expansion tex2html_wrap_inline2049 for tex2html_wrap_inline2051 .)


Proof: The results follows from Theorem 2.1, Lemmas 3.1 and 3.3, and the fact that tex2html_wrap_inline2067 .

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Bruce Maggs
Mon Jul 22 18:45:42 EDT 1996