MokSAF imagemap

Project Overview
MokSAF is a software system that supports mission critical team decision-making, and provides a virtual environment for route planning and team coordination. It allows commanders to register new agent teams and design new scenarios, plan individual routes to a common rendevous point, communicate synchronously across great distances, negotiate the selection of platoon units, and plan joint missions via a shared virtual environment. Click the following icon for a screen shot of the MokSAF user interface. Note the common rendevous point on the map (indicated by a red circle) and the designation of two separate routes (one in light green, one in dark green):

General Overview

Fully Configurable Design

The MokSAF system is fully configurable. New agent teams, scenarios, and platoon units can be added easily, while old settings are saved for future use. Click the following icon for the Administration Settings control panel:

Configuring the System

Support for Synchronous Communication

The MokSAF environment for route planning and team coordination not only supports synchronous communication but allows commanders to propose new rendevous points for the team and display their planned routes to other team members. Click the following icon for the Communication Center:

Communicating with Other Teams

Assistance with Platoon Unit Selection

The MokSAF system also supports team members as they participate in the dynamic process of selecting platoon units. Typically, team commanders utilize the Communication Center to negotiate this process with other commanders in order to satisfy overall unit requirements. Because each team must plan a different route, each team must take into account different economic (e.g., fuel limitations), temporal, and physical constraints. The system helps team leaders work through the process of selecting appropriate platoon units. Click the following icon for the Platoon Unit window:

Selecting Platoon Units

Integration of Agent Technology

In order to provide robust and dynamic support for route planning, the MokSAF system integrates agent technology. We have implemented two principal agents: a Path Planner Agent that works autonomously to map out a route, and a Critique Agent that analyzes a user-specified route to ensure that it does not violate any known physical, temporal, or economic constraints. Detailed descriptions of these agents can be found on our Agent System page.

The MokSAF System:

Is Fully Configurable

Supports Synchronous Communication

Assists Platoon Unit Selection

Integrates Agent Technology

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We welcome your comments and suggestions.
Copyright © 1999

Carnegie Mellon University
Software Agents Group
Robotics Institute
   University of Pittsburgh
Dept of Information Science
& Telecommunications
Project Overview Research Objectives Description of MokSAF Agents Contact Information Publications Researchers and Support Agencies System Demonstration Internal Site MokSAF Home Page