Roger B. Dannenberg

Home Publications Videos Opera Audacity
Dannenberg playing trumpet.
Photo by Alisa.

Musings on Music and Technology


I have begun (in 2020) writing short articles to share on various topics. Here is the index.

About the Author

Roger B. Dannenberg is a Professor of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. He is known for a broad range of research in Computer Music, including the creation of interactive computer accompaniment systems, languages for computer music, music understanding systems, and music composing software. He is a co-creator of Audacity, perhaps the most widely used music editing software.

Using O2host as an OSC Relay 1 Jun 2024

Using O2host with O2lite and MicroPython 12 Mar 2024 (revised 29 May 2024)

Multifile and Library Projects for MicroPython 5 Mar 2024

Making Python Run Fast 10 Jan 2024

Developing a Web Audio Worklet in C++ Using WASM 19 Oct 2023

Building Music Systems with O2 and O2lite 22 May 2022.

Music Performance over Networks and the Latency Problem 29 July 2020.

Audio Latency – Some Measurements 22 September 2020.