Separation Logic for trumpet and score following software.
'Round Midnight performance using Antescofo score following courtesy
of Arshia Cont, IRCAM.
Resound! performance by Erin Yanacek, 2014.
Resound! feature by CMU School of Music with Neal Berntsen, 2016.
Roger Dannenberg, Improvisation (Trumpet and Computer) in Valencia, Spain, 2016 (excerpt).
“Duet on Stein,” 2018, recorded concert performance by Kamraton, Pittsburgh, November 2018.
“Canons for Conlon,” 2020 (synthesized performance). Two poly-tempo canons for network performance.
Separation Logic, recording by Lindsey Goodman, flute.
“Alone Together,” a First Friday concert from Church of the Redeemer, Pittsburgh, September 3, 2021.
“Nitely News” for trumpet and computer. Interactive computer music and computer animation, 1993.
“In Transit” for trumpet and computer. Collaboration with Scott Draves. Interactive computer music and computer animation, 1997.
Opera: The Mother of Fishes
The Mother of Fishes - Act 1
The Mother of Fishes - Act 2, Part 1
The Mother of Fishes - Act 2, Part 2
The Mother of Fishes - Act 3, Parts 1 & 2
The Mother of Fishes - Act 3, Parts 3 & 4
The Mother of Fishes - Examples of Soundcool electronics
Opera: La Mare dels Peixos
La Mare dels Peixos - Act 1
La Mare dels Peixos - Act 2, Part 1
La Mare dels Peixos - Act 2, Part 2
La Mare dels Peixos - Act 3, Parts 1 & 2
La Mare dels Peixos - Act 3, Parts 3 & 4
Pebble watch accelerometer to synthesizer.
Automatic style recognition demonstration.
Sound synthesis driven by images of light reflected from water.
Human Computer Music Performance demo video from NIME 2015 featuring “arrangements” facility.
Short demo video from CMMR 2013 showing work from Jiuqiang Tang’s masters thesis on gesture spotting and recognition.
Introduction to Soundcool streamed on Git Commit Show, 2020.
Piano Tutor video from CHI'90. Best Video Award winner, 1990.
A prototype interface allowing Nyquist access to Audacity tracks and some fun demos
of how Nyquist could be more extensively used in Audacity.
Short description of AI techniques for imitating and
generating pop songs.
Demonstration of O2 for gestural sensing and music control.
McGill CIRMMT Distinguished Lecture Series: Roger Dannenberg
“Music understanding and the future of music
performance,” 12 Sep 2013.
Interspeech 2012 Keynote (Linked to
MusICA Seminar: Roger B. Dannenberg - Music Understanding and the
Future of Music Performance. Tuesday, January 21st, 2014,
University of Edinburgh.
Roger Dannenberg Imagines the Future of Music at CS+X Colloquium,
Northwestern University.
Roger Dannenberg appeared on the national radio program “Science Friday”, 25 May 2018.
Roger Dannenberg’s Keynote Address to
New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) 2021,
Presentation to the International Conference of AI Music,
Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China, 2021.
Roger Dannenberg interview for Modern Musicking Center.
McBlare - Robotic Bagpipe Player
Highland Laddie, recorded at the Scottish Parliament Building.
McBlare in Edinburgh, part 1.
McBlare in Edinburgh, part 2.
McBlare plays Chris Armstrong's “Xtreme”.
McBlare plays “McBlare” in the Scottish Parliament Building,
McBlare plays “Glasgow” in the Scottish Parliament Building,
Triskelion for robotic bagpipes and drums.
Jazz Performances
George Gee's Make Believe Ballroom Orchestra, 1986
Roger Humphries Big Band, 2008
Jazz standard “What’s New?” with Harold Smoliar, Aug. 2021.
Soundcool Performances
Real-time network performance using Soundcool in Madrid, Valencia and Pittsburgh,
with school children from Escuela Municipal Maria Dolores Pradera, 2020.
“The Spirit of Objects,” World Science Festival, NY, 2019. Live performance with trumpet, percussion, flute, Soundcool, dancer. Stefano Scarani, Jorge Sastre, Nuria Lloret, Roger Dannenberg.
Soundcool network performance of “Soundscape 1,” May 2021.