⦿ Carnegie Mellon University
- Graduate Research Assistant (2019 to present)
- Designing and Developing Hardware/Software for Fully Autonomous Delivery VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) with failure redundancy
- Designing and Developing Hardware/Software for Fully Autonomous Aerial Manipulation platform
⦿ Near Earth Autonomy
- Research Engineer (2018 to 2019)
- Flying Outdoors and Indoors with Limited-sensing Aerial Autonomy
⦿ Carnegie Mellon University
- Research Associate (2017 to 2018)
- Developing Planning Software for DARPA Subterranean Challenge
- Developing Autonomy Software for RadPiper Pipe Crawler robot
- Developing Software/Hardware custom Lidar for Moon Rover Robot
⦿ University of Illinois at Chicago
- Research Assistant (2015 to 2017)
- Designing a fully integrated radar and communication system – named ComSens
- Optimizing Pilot Overhead for Ultra-Reliable Short-Packet Transmission
⦿ Carnegie Mellon University
- PhD in Robotics (2019 to present)
⦿ University of Illinois at Chicago
- MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2015 to 2017)
⦿ Shahid Beheshti University
- BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2010 to 2015)