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Selected Publications ∣ single cell

  • Zhou T, Zhang R, Jia D, Doty RT, Munday AD, Gao D, Xin L, Abkowitz JL, Duan Z*, and Ma J*.
    GAGE-seq concurrently profiles multiscale 3D genome organization and gene expression in single cells.
    Nature Genetics, 56(8):1701-1711, 2024.
  • Xiong K, Zhang R, and Ma J.
    scGHOST: Identifying single-cell 3D genome subcompartments.
    Nature Methods, 21(5):814-822, 2024.
  • Chidester B, Zhou T, Alam S, and Ma J.
    SPICEMIX enables integrative single-cell spatial modeling of cell identity.
    Nature Genetics, 55(1):78-88, 2023. [Cover Article]
    RECOMB, 2021.
  • Zhang R, Zhou T, and Ma J.
    Ultrafast and interpretable single-cell 3D genome analysis with Fast-Higashi.
    Cell Systems, 13(10):P798-807.E6, 2022. [Cover Article]
    RECOMB, 2022.
  • Zhang R, Zhou T, and Ma J.
    Multiscale and integrative single-cell Hi-C analysis with Higashi.
    Nature Biotechnology, 40:254–261, 2022.