Class tab_semantic_lens


public class tab_semantic_lens
extends semantic_lens

tabbed-pannel parent

Field Summary
protected  int _border
          Border around all the children.
protected  boolean _boxed
          If this variable is set, the interactor has a box around it.
protected  color_pair _colors
          This holds the color pair in use for this object.
protected  java.util.Hashtable _labels
protected  boolean _opaque
          If this variable is set, the interactor has an opaque background.
protected  boolean _size_by_children
          This holds our state variable about whether or not we are sized by our children.
protected  int _vis_child
          Visible child
protected static int tab_sem_draw_trav_id
          unique identifier for tab_sem_draw traversals
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.semantic_lens
_boxed, _clear_back, _draw_obj, _fixed, _sem_draw_kind, _title_color, _title_font, _title_str, metrics, sem_draw_trav_id
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.base_interactor
_child_index, _child_list, _clip_bounds, _constraint_flags, _enabled_constraint, _flags, _h, _h_constraint, _parent, _part_a_constraint, _part_b_constraint, _user_data, _visible_constraint, _w, _w_constraint, _x, _x_constraint, _y, _y_constraint, default_child_hint
Constructor Summary
          Minimal tab_semantic_lens constructor.
tab_semantic_lens(int b, boolean box, boolean o)
          Smaller tab_semantic_lens constructor.
tab_semantic_lens(int xv, int yv, int wv, int hv, int b, boolean box, boolean o, boolean sbc, color_pair cp)
          Full constructor for a tab_semantic_lens.
Method Summary
 void add_child(interactor chld)
          Override from base_interactor to also add constraints
 void add_tab(interactor chld, java.lang.String label)
          Override from base_interactor to also add constraints
 int border()
          Return the border around all the children (in pixels).
 boolean boxed()
          Return whether or not the interactor has a box around it.
 color_pair colors()
          Return the current color pair.
protected  void draw_self_local(drawable d)
          Draw the object on the provided drawable
 void insert_child(int at_indx, interactor chld)
          Override to also add constraints
 boolean opaque()
          Return whether or not the interactor has an opaque background
 void pick(int pt_x, int pt_y, pick_collector pick_list)
 boolean press(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
 boolean release(event evt, java.lang.Object user_info)
          Companion to press -- here we ignore the releases.
 interactor remove_child(int at_indx)
          Override to also add constraints
 void remove_child(interactor the_child)
          Override to also add constraints
 void set_border(int v)
          Set border all around the children.
 void set_boxed(boolean b)
          Control whether or not the interactor has a box around it.
protected  void set_child_constraints()
          Establish or reestablish constraints on children to form a column.
 void set_child(int at_indx, interactor chld)
          Overridden from base_interactor to also add constraints
 void set_colors(color_pair cp)
          Set the current color pair.
 void set_local_constraints()
          Set the constraint for this object's width and height.
 void set_opaque(boolean b)
          Control whether or not the interactor has an opaque background
 void set_size_by_children(boolean b)
          Control whether or not we are sized by our children.
 void set_vis_child(int i)
protected  void setup_for_lenses()
 boolean size_by_children()
          Return whether or not we are sized by our children.
 int vis_child()
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.semantic_lens
clear_back, drag_end, drag_end, drag_feedback, drag_feedback, drag_start, drag_start, draw_obj, fixed, get_parent, sem_draw_kind, set_clear_back, set_draw_obj, set_fixed, set_title_color, set_title_font, set_title_str, title_color, title_font, title_str
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.base_interactor
active_constraints, add_user_datum, attach_dependent, bound, callback_obj, child_index, child, clear_child_list, clear_constraint_flag_bit, clear_flag_bit, configure, constraint_flag_is_set, constraint_flag_string, constraint_on, custom_fun1, custom_fun2, damage_fixed, damage_from_child, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, detach_dependent, do_action, do_action, do_callback, do_callback, drag_feature_point, draw_children, draw_self, enabled_constraint, enabled, enter_local_coordinates, eval_enabled, eval_h, eval_part_a, eval_part_b, eval_visible, eval_w, eval_x, eval_y, eval, exit_local_coords, feature_point_enabled, feature_point, filter_pt, find_child, first_callback_num, fixed_children, flag_is_set, flag_string, focus_set_enter, focus_set_exit, get_awt_component, get_external_constraint, get_part, get_top_level, get_value, global_to_local, global_to_local, h_constraint, h, handle_cycle, inform_ood, inside_bounds, into_local, into_local, into_parent, into_parent, intrinsic_constraints, is_constrained, last_callback_num, local_to_global, local_to_global, mark_all_ood, mark_enabled_ood, mark_h_ood, mark_ood, mark_part_a_ood, mark_part_b_ood, mark_reparented_ood, mark_visible_ood, mark_w_ood, mark_x_ood, mark_y_ood, marked_ood, move_child_downward, move_child_downward, move_child_to_bottom, move_child_to_bottom, move_child_to_top, move_child_to_top, move_child_upward, move_child_upward, move_downward, move_to_bottom, move_to_top, move_upward, new_look_configure, next_sibling, num_actions, num_children, num_feature_points, ood_inform_all, parent, part_a_constraint, part_a, part_b_constraint, part_b, pick_within_children, picked_by, pos, prev_sibling, register_resource_names, remove_user_datum, restyle_look_resources, restyle, set_callback_obj, set_child_index, set_constraint_flag_bit, set_constraint_flag_bit, set_constraint, set_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled, set_flag_bit, set_flag_bit, set_h_constraint, set_h_constraint, set_h_constraint, set_h, set_intrinsic_h, set_intrinsic_size, set_intrinsic_w, set_parent, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b, set_pos, set_pos, set_raw_enabled, set_raw_h, set_raw_part_a, set_raw_part_b, set_raw_visible, set_raw_w, set_raw_x, set_raw_y, set_size, set_style_lock, set_user_info, set_visible_constraint, set_visible_constraint, set_visible_constraint, set_visible, set_w_constraint, set_w_constraint, set_w_constraint, set_w, set_x_constraint, set_x_constraint, set_x_constraint, set_x, set_y_constraint, set_y_constraint, set_y_constraint, set_y, setup_for_children, setup_for_children, setup_for_fixed_children, size, style_change_local, style_change, supports_children, tag_str, toString, traverse_and_collect_children, traverse_and_collect_parent, traverse_and_collect, trivial_reject, trivial_reject, user_data, user_info, value_ood, visible_constraint, visible, w_constraint, w, x_constraint, x_into_local, x_into_parent, x, y_constraint, y_into_local, y_into_parent, y
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.util.Hashtable _labels


protected static final int tab_sem_draw_trav_id
unique identifier for tab_sem_draw traversals


protected boolean _size_by_children
This holds our state variable about whether or not we are sized by our children. This variable should be set at construction time, but can later be changed if necessary. Note: be careful about changing this after construction time! If it was on and you turn it off, nothing will happen, but you should take into account from then on that the column won't size itself to its children automatically. If it was off and you turn it on, your column's size will change at that point, so you should be sure there will be enough room, etc... for it


protected boolean _boxed
If this variable is set, the interactor has a box around it.


protected boolean _opaque
If this variable is set, the interactor has an opaque background.


protected int _vis_child
Visible child


protected int _border
Border around all the children.


protected color_pair _colors
This holds the color pair in use for this object. null indicates to use the system default color pair.
Constructor Detail


public tab_semantic_lens(int xv,
                         int yv,
                         int wv,
                         int hv,
                         int b,
                         boolean box,
                         boolean o,
                         boolean sbc,
                         color_pair cp)
Full constructor for a tab_semantic_lens.
int - xv the x position of this interactor.
int - yv the y position of this interactor.
int - wv the width of this interactor.
int - hv the height of this interactor.
int - b the border around the children of this column.
boolean - box whether or not you want a box around this interactor.
boolean - o whether or not the object has an opaque background.
boolean - sbc pass true if this column's size should be controlled by its children, false to use the size passed by the user and/or constraints.
color_pair - cp the color pair to use if this object is opaque (if you use null here you'll get the system's default color pair).


public tab_semantic_lens(int b,
                         boolean box,
                         boolean o)
Smaller tab_semantic_lens constructor. This assumes that you want to just set the actual parameters of the tab_sem_lens and you will use constraints to do all positioning. It uses the system default colors and assumes your width and height will be controlled by the children.
int - b the border around the children of this row
boolean - box whether or not you want a box around this interactor
boolean - o whether or not the object is opaque


public tab_semantic_lens()
Minimal tab_semantic_lens constructor. This assumes that you want to use constraints for position and children for size. It makes the tab_semantic_lens have a border and be opaque and have no whitespace border around its edges. This uses the system's default colors.
Method Detail


public boolean size_by_children()
Return whether or not we are sized by our children.
boolean true if we are sized by our children


public void set_size_by_children(boolean b)
Control whether or not we are sized by our children. Note: be careful about changing this after construction time! If it was on and you turn it off, nothing will happen, but you should take into account from then on that the column won't size itself to its children automatically. If it was off and you turn it on, your column's size will change at that point, so you should be sure there will be enough room, etc... for it
boolean - b whether to size ourselves by our children


public boolean boxed()
Return whether or not the interactor has a box around it.
boolean true if the column has a box around it
boxed in class semantic_lens


public void set_boxed(boolean b)
Control whether or not the interactor has a box around it.
boolean - b new state of boxedness
set_boxed in class semantic_lens


public boolean opaque()
Return whether or not the interactor has an opaque background
boolean true if the column is opaque


public void set_opaque(boolean b)
Control whether or not the interactor has an opaque background
boolean - b new state of opaqueness


public int vis_child()
int the currently visible child


public void set_vis_child(int i)
int - i new visible interactor


public int border()
Return the border around all the children (in pixels).
int the size of the border in pixels


public void set_border(int v)
Set border all around the children.
int - v the size of the border around the children in pixels


public color_pair colors()
Return the current color pair. If you get null, we are using the system's default color pair. Note that the color pair for this interactor is not consulted if the object is not opaque.
color_pair the current color pair


public void set_colors(color_pair cp)
Set the current color pair. If you set this to null, you'll get the system default color pair.
color_pair - cp the new color_pair for this interactor


protected void setup_for_lenses()


public void set_local_constraints()
Set the constraint for this object's width and height.


protected void set_child_constraints()
Establish or reestablish constraints on children to form a column.


protected void draw_self_local(drawable d)
Draw the object on the provided drawable
drawable - d the surface to draw on
draw_self_local in class semantic_lens


public void pick(int pt_x,
                 int pt_y,
                 pick_collector pick_list)
int - pt_x x coordinate of picking point
int - pt_y y coordinate of picking point
pick_collector - pick_list result list
pick in class semantic_lens


public boolean press(event evt,
                     java.lang.Object user_info)
event - evt the press event.
Object - user_info the information associated with this object at pick time.
boolean indicating whether the event was consumed.
press in class semantic_lens


public boolean release(event evt,
                       java.lang.Object user_info)
Companion to press -- here we ignore the releases.
event - evt the release event.
Object - user_info information associated with this object at pick time.
boolean indicating whether we consumed this input (here always false).
release in class semantic_lens


public void set_child(int at_indx,
                      interactor chld)
Overridden from base_interactor to also add constraints
int - at_indx the index position at which to change the child.
interactor - chld the new child interactor for that position.
set_child in class base_interactor


public void add_child(interactor chld)
Override from base_interactor to also add constraints
interactor - chld the child interactor to add
add_child in class base_interactor


public void add_tab(interactor chld,
                    java.lang.String label)
Override from base_interactor to also add constraints
interactor - chld the child interactor to add


public void insert_child(int at_indx,
                         interactor chld)
Override to also add constraints
int - at_indx the index position at which to insert the child
interactor - chld the child interactor to insert
insert_child in class base_interactor


public interactor remove_child(int at_indx)
Override to also add constraints
int - at_indx the index position of the child to remove
remove_child in class base_interactor


public void remove_child(interactor the_child)
Override to also add constraints
interactor - the_child the child to remove
remove_child in class base_interactor