Class listbox_helper


public class listbox_helper
extends base_parent_interactor

This class is the helper for the listbox. It holds the listbox_child_display and the horizontal scrollbar. It handles drawing the appropriate borders around the object. It is the internal use only of the listbox code. It may change without notice.

Field Summary
protected  int _above_space
          This variable holds the amount of space above of the list.
protected  int _below_space
          This variable holds the amount of space below of the list.
protected  int _left_space
          This variable holds the amount of space to the left of the list.
protected  int _right_space
          This variable holds the amount of space to the right of the list.
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.base_interactor
_child_index, _child_list, _clip_bounds, _constraint_flags, _enabled_constraint, _flags, _h, _h_constraint, _parent, _part_a_constraint, _part_b_constraint, _user_data, _visible_constraint, _w, _w_constraint, _x, _x_constraint, _y, _y_constraint, default_child_hint
Constructor Summary
          Create a listbox helper.
Method Summary
 int available_height()
          Return the amount of usable vertical pixels in this object.
 int available_width()
          Return the amount of usable horizontal pixels in this object.
 void draw_self_local(drawable d)
          We need to implement the border handling code, so we override the drawing code to do this.
 boolean has_h_scrollbar()
          This is just a utility to find out if we have an h scrollbar or not.
 void pick(int pt_x, int pt_y, pick_collector pick_list)
          This is the pick routine for the listbox helper.
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.lib.base_interactor
active_constraints, add_child, add_user_datum, attach_dependent, bound, callback_obj, child_index, child, clear_child_list, clear_constraint_flag_bit, clear_flag_bit, configure, constraint_flag_is_set, constraint_flag_string, constraint_on, custom_fun1, custom_fun2, damage_fixed, damage_from_child, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, damage_self, detach_dependent, do_action, do_action, do_callback, do_callback, drag_feature_point, draw_children, draw_self, enabled_constraint, enabled, enter_local_coordinates, eval_enabled, eval_h, eval_part_a, eval_part_b, eval_visible, eval_w, eval_x, eval_y, eval, exit_local_coords, feature_point_enabled, feature_point, filter_pt, find_child, first_callback_num, fixed_children, flag_is_set, flag_string, focus_set_enter, focus_set_exit, get_awt_component, get_external_constraint, get_part, get_top_level, get_value, global_to_local, global_to_local, h_constraint, h, handle_cycle, inform_ood, insert_child, inside_bounds, into_local, into_local, into_parent, into_parent, intrinsic_constraints, is_constrained, last_callback_num, local_to_global, local_to_global, mark_all_ood, mark_enabled_ood, mark_h_ood, mark_ood, mark_part_a_ood, mark_part_b_ood, mark_reparented_ood, mark_visible_ood, mark_w_ood, mark_x_ood, mark_y_ood, marked_ood, move_child_downward, move_child_downward, move_child_to_bottom, move_child_to_bottom, move_child_to_top, move_child_to_top, move_child_upward, move_child_upward, move_downward, move_to_bottom, move_to_top, move_upward, new_look_configure, next_sibling, num_actions, num_children, num_feature_points, ood_inform_all, parent, part_a_constraint, part_a, part_b_constraint, part_b, pick_within_children, picked_by, pos, prev_sibling, register_resource_names, remove_child, remove_child, remove_user_datum, restyle_look_resources, restyle, set_callback_obj, set_child_index, set_child, set_constraint_flag_bit, set_constraint_flag_bit, set_constraint, set_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled_constraint, set_enabled, set_flag_bit, set_flag_bit, set_h_constraint, set_h_constraint, set_h_constraint, set_h, set_intrinsic_h, set_intrinsic_size, set_intrinsic_w, set_parent, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a_constraint, set_part_a, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b_constraint, set_part_b, set_pos, set_pos, set_raw_enabled, set_raw_h, set_raw_part_a, set_raw_part_b, set_raw_visible, set_raw_w, set_raw_x, set_raw_y, set_size, set_style_lock, set_user_info, set_visible_constraint, set_visible_constraint, set_visible_constraint, set_visible, set_w_constraint, set_w_constraint, set_w_constraint, set_w, set_x_constraint, set_x_constraint, set_x_constraint, set_x, set_y_constraint, set_y_constraint, set_y_constraint, set_y, setup_for_children, setup_for_children, setup_for_fixed_children, size, style_change_local, style_change, supports_children, tag_str, toString, traverse_and_collect_children, traverse_and_collect_parent, traverse_and_collect, trivial_reject, trivial_reject, user_data, user_info, value_ood, visible_constraint, visible, w_constraint, w, x_constraint, x_into_local, x_into_parent, x, y_constraint, y_into_local, y_into_parent, y
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int _right_space
This variable holds the amount of space to the right of the list.


protected int _left_space
This variable holds the amount of space to the left of the list.


protected int _above_space
This variable holds the amount of space above of the list.


protected int _below_space
This variable holds the amount of space below of the list.
Constructor Detail


public listbox_helper()
Create a listbox helper. We default the size because we know we are going to add constraints to it.
Method Detail


public void draw_self_local(drawable d)
We need to implement the border handling code, so we override the drawing code to do this.
drawable - d the drawable to display on
draw_self_local in class base_interactor


public int available_width()
Return the amount of usable horizontal pixels in this object.
int width of the usable area


public int available_height()
Return the amount of usable vertical pixels in this object.
int height of the usable area


public void pick(int pt_x,
                 int pt_y,
                 pick_collector pick_list)
This is the pick routine for the listbox helper. If the user clicks in the areas that we consider "out of bounds" - the border areas, we don't allow ourselves to be picked. If the user picks anywhere else, we allow it.
int - pt_x the x coordinate of the point
int - pt_y the y coordinate of the point
pick_collector - the object to put yourself in if you are picked
pick in class base_interactor


public boolean has_h_scrollbar()
This is just a utility to find out if we have an h scrollbar or not.