Package sub_arctic.input

Interface Summary
callback_object Interface for objects that receive callback from interactors.
click_tracking Input protocol interface for objects that wish to "track" (that is see, but not consume) all mouse press and release events.
clickable Input protocol interface for objects which wish to receive a "click" (a mouse button press and release in a small area).
dispatch_handler This class has been provided an extensibility hook for the particular purpose of allowing code that monitors the effects of input dispatches of other people's code.
display_help This input protocol is used to display help messages on the screen when an object has the mouse over it for some period of time.
does_callback Interface for objects that support standard callbacks.
double_clickable Input protocol interface for receiving double clicks (two clicks in a small area within a short period of time).
focusable Input protocol interface for objects which are to be informed of entry to and exit from a focus set.
grow_draggable Input protocol for objects wishing to receive drag input suitable for resizing.
grow_press_draggable Input protocol for objects receiving input from the grow_press_drag agent.
inout_draggable Input protocol for objects wishing to drag drag into and out of their bounds.
inout_press_draggable Input protocol for objects receiving input from the press_inout_drag agent.
input_protocol The root interface that all input protocol interfaces inherit from.
menu_focusable This interface is used by interactors which are menus or subclasses of menu.
move_drag_filter Interface for objects that filter and transform points for purposes of limiting or transforming the action of a move-drag.
move_draggable Input protocol for objects wishing to receive drag input suitable for moving the object.
move_press_draggable Input protocol for objects receiving input from the move_press_drag agent.
navigable This interface supplies an input protocol for objects which accept input controlling tree navigation.
pointable This is an input protocol interface useful for performing actions on the interface when the mouse enters or leaves an object.
pressable Input protocol interface for objects which wish to receive single mouse button down (press) and up (release) events.
raw_input_acceptor Input protocol interface for objects which wish to receive raw events.
selectable Input protocol interface for objects which can be put in a currently selected set (managed by the selection_agent).
simple_draggable Input protocol for misc.
simple_press_draggable Input protocol for objects receiving input from the simple_press_drag agent.
snap_draggable This interface provides the input protocol for objects which are dragged and may be snapped to objects which implement the snap_targetable interface.
snap_targetable This interface provides the input protocol for objects which are the targets of snapping.
text_acceptor Input protocol for objects that accept textual input.
window_notifiable This interface is used by clients that wish to become aware of window events such as windows opening, closing, or becoming iconified.
work_proc This interface provides you with the basic infrastructure necessary to execute multi-threaded code safely in the sub_arctic framework. This interface defines a function which you can arrange to be called with the sub_arctic system in a "safe state." In this state, you can call any methods on any sub_arctic objects in your interface; if you are not in this state, you should not be modifying the interactor tree or any of the sub_arctic infrastructure.

Class Summary
click_agent A positional dispatch agent responsible for managing press/release, click, and double click interactions.
click_track_agent This class implements a focus based agent that tracks (dispatches, but never consumes) mouse button press and release events.
dispatch_agent This is the abstract base class for all dispatch agents in all policies.
dispatch_result This class is used by the dispatch agents to record what happened when they dispatched their event.
event This class represents an input event.
event_trace_agent This is a monitor focus agent used for debugging purposes.
focus_dispatch_agent This is the abstract base class for all focus dispatch agents.
focus_policy_class Focus based input policy.
grow_drag_focus_agent Focus agent that implements grow-drag.
grow_press_drag_agent This class implements an agent which is a hybrid positional/focus agent.
inout_drag_focus_agent Focus agent that implements inout-drag.
inout_press_drag_agent This class implements an agent which is a hybrid positional/focus agent.
input_policy Abstract base class for all input policies.
int_holder Simple object to encapsulate an integer.
menu_focus_agent This agent handles the input during modal (pop-up or pull-down) menus.
move_drag_focus_agent Focus agent that implements move-drag.
move_press_drag_agent This class implements an agent which is a hybrid positional/focus agent.
navigation_agent Focus based dispatch agent for catching keyboard based input and turning it into tree navigation input (under the navigable input protocol).
object_holder Simple object to encapsulate a reference to another object.
pick_collector Object for building and holding a set of interactor objects picked by a point.
point_agent_class This is the agent that handles the pointable interface as well as the display_help interface.
positional_policy_class This is the class that implements the positional input dispatch policy.
raw_focus_agent This class implements the raw focus agent.
raw_positional_agent Positional input dispatch agent that delivers raw events.
selection_agent_class Positional dispatch agent for maintaining a currently selected set.
simple_drag_focus_agent Focus dispatch agent for misc.
simple_press_drag_agent This class implements an agent which is a hybrid positional/focus agent.
single_focus_agent This is a subclass of focus_dispatch_agent designed to support agents which need to limit their focus set to at most one element.
snap_drag_agent Focus agent that implements snap-dragging.
std_drag_filters Utility class containing some standard move-drag filter functions.
text_focus_agent Focus based dispatch agent for delivering text input.
user_info_holder Object to encapsulate some information that should be associated associated with a particular interactor.
window_agent This agent is responsible for informing parts of a sub arctic program or applet about the actions of the top level windows of his/her application.
work_agent This is the class that handles dispatching the work_procs on the "synchronized side of the world." User's should never use this class directly but should use the API in the manager instead.
work_event This is a subtype of the AWTEvent class which we use to force ourselves to be synchronized with the event dispatch process.
work_pair This is a little holder for two objects.