The Command, Control, and Interoperability Center
for Advanced Data Analysis (CCICADA), a Center of Excellence headed by Rutgers
University, the prime contractor, with about twenty other institutions. Department
of Homeland Security. 6 years. October 2009
The Center for Large-Scale Strategic Knowledge Integration and Discovery from
Multiple Media (CKID). PI. Department of Homeland Security. 2 years. August 2006
Research grants
A Method to Retrieve Non-Textual Data from Widespread Repositories. NSF. 1 year. PI,
with Callan (CMU) and De Waard (Elsevier). September 2014
REAPER: Reading, Extraction, and Assembly of Pathways for Evidentiary Reasoning.
DARPA. 3.5 years. PI, with colleagues at CMU (Mitamura), ISI (Burns and Chalupsky),
and Elsevier (De Waard, Yuryev). July 2014
Gripper: Workflow Analysis and Language Technology to Combat Human Trafficking. PI.
BORDERS center, University of Arizona. 1 year. January 2014.
SAFT: Semantic Analysis and Filtering of Text. DARPA. 4.5 years. PI, with colleagues
at CMU (Carbonell, Cohen, Levin, Mitamura, Smith, Yang) and ISI (Chalupsky, Hobbs).
November 2012
SocMed: Situational Awareness for Social Media. DARPA. 3 years. With colleagues at
ISI (Galstyan, Lerman, Macskassy), and USC. December 2011
MICS: Metaphor Interpretation in terms of Culturally-relevant Schemas. IARPA. 1 year.
With Hobbs (ISI, the PI), and partners at U of Texas and Alelo Inc. March 2012.
RACR-ISI: Reader and Contextual Reasoner. DARPA. 5 years (colleagues at ISI are Hobbs
and Chalupsky). Headed by IBM Yorktown Heights, with partners at U of Texas Austin,
CMU, and U of Utah. May 2009
ERUDITE-ISI: Language Inferences from Text. DARPA. 5 years. With partners at BBN (the
PI), CMU, U of Washington, CYC, and Oregon State. May 2009
Natural Language and Knowledge Representation for ICT's Virtual Human Architecture.
US Army. 2 years. Headed by USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. November 2009
Text Summarization of Geospatially Located Information. DARPA (STTR grant with
Geosemble Technologies). 2 years. January 2009
Collaborative Design of an Open Framework for QA. PI. IBM. Open time-frame. December
A Meta-Analysis of Homeland Security Research. PI. Naval Postgraduate School. 6 months.
June 2008
The OntoBank for AGILE. DARPA (GALE program). With Weischedel (BBN, the PI), Marcus
(U Penn) and Palmer (U of Colorado). Extends period of ongoing OntoNotes grant for
additional 8 months. April 2008
Natural Language and Knowledge Management for ICT's SASO Virtual Human Architecture.
US Army. 2 years. Headed by USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. November 2007
OntoBank for AGILE. DARPA (GALE program). With Weischedel (BBN, the PI), Marcus (U
Penn) and Palmer (U of Colorado). 12 months. October 2007
Distillation Research for AGILE. DARPA (GALE program). With Weischedel (BBN, the PI).
12 months. October 2007
eRule-BIRD: A Framework for Multi‑Dimensional Analysis of Text. NSF. With Shulman
(U of Pittsburgh, the PI) and Callan (CMU). 3 years. August 2007
GeoDec: A Geospatial Decision Making Environment. DARPA (STTR grant with Geosemble
Technologies). 9 months. August 2007
NSF-China: A Framework to Establish an R&D Collaboration on Digital
Government. PI. NSF. 9 months. August 2007
Möbius--II: Learning by Reading -- Demonstrating Semantic Interpretation. PI.
DARPA (via subcontract from SRI). 12 months. February 2007
CALO-NL: Concept Learning by Harvesting Unstructured Text. DARPA (CALO program),
via SRI. Part of larger CALO project component at ISI. 12 months. November 2006
QUICK-USDA. With Clarke (USC School of Communications) and Evans (USC Medical School).
USDA. 2 years. September 2006
Reconciling and Regularizing the Omega Upper Model. PI. With Hobbs (ISI). Department of
Defense, via NSF. 1 year. 2006
Natural Language Capabilities for ICT's SASO Virtual Agents. US Army (via subcontract
to USC Institute for Creative Technologies. 2 years. 2005
Möbius-seed: Knowledge Acquisition Verification and Correction. PI. DARPA (via
subcontract to SRI). 16 months. 2005
Supplement to Language Processing Technology for Electronic Rulemaking. With Shulman
(U of Pittsburgh, the PI), Callan (CMU), and Zavestoski (San Francisco U). NSF. 1 year.
The OntoBank for AGILE. With Weischedel (BBN), Marcus (U Penn), and Palmer (U of
Colorado). DARPA GALE program. 1 year. 2005
Distillation research for AGILE. With Weischedel (BBN, the PI), Schwartz (BBN), and
Dorr (U of Maryland). DARPA GALE program. 1 year. 2005
Möbius: Learning by Reading. PI. DARPA seedling project, via SRI. 9 months, 2005
CALO-NL: Harvesting from Unstructured Text. DARPA CALO program, via SRI. 14 months,
Natural Language Capabilities for ICT's SASO Virtual Agents. US Army via subcontract
to USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. 2 years. 2005
Supplement to Language Processing Technology for Electronic Rulemaking. With Shulman
(U of Pittsburgh, the PI), Callan (CMU), and Zavestoski (San Francisco U). NSF Digital
Government program. 1 year. 2005
Learning Ontological Knowledge in Stages by Reading. PI. DARPA seedling project. 9
months. 2005
Ontology Content Compression and Harmonization. PI. Department of Defense via NSF.
1 year. 2005
PSY-Agents 2: Information Agents, Text Extraction, and Data Integration for PSYOP.
With Knoblock (the PI), Marsella, and Chalupsky (all from ISI), and Minton (Fetch
Inc.). SOCOM (Department of Defense). 10 months. 2005
R&D in Natural Language Capabilities for ICT's MRE. US Army via subcontract to
USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. 1 year. 2004
PSY-Agents 1: Information Agents, Text Extraction, and Data Integration for PSYOP.
With Knoblock (the PI), Marsella, and Chalupsky (all from ISI), and Minton (Fetch Inc.).
SOCOM (Department of Defense). 6 months. 2004
Language Processing Technology for Electronic Rulemaking. With Shulman (U of
Pittsburgh, the PI), Callan (CMU), and Zavestoski (San Francisco U). NSF Digital
Government program. 3 years. 2004
Exploring Ontologies across Continents: A Collaboration Exploration between ISI and
the EU’s QUALEG Project. PI. NSF Digital Government program. 1 year, supplement to
ITR grant. 2004
R&D in Natural Language Capabilities for ICT's MRE. US Army via USC's Institute
for Creative Technologies. 1 year. 2004
Large-scale Enrichment of Ontological Definitions to Support MT. PI. Department of
Defense, via NSF. 1 year. 2003
The Webclopedia (extension): Text Summarization and Summary Evaluation. PI. DARPA
(TIDES program). 1 year. 2003
Interlingual Annotation of Multilingual Text Corpora. Joint with five co-PIs, at New
Mexico State University, Columbia University, University of Maryland, MITRE, and CMU.
NSF. 1 year. 2003
EPA-AIR: Automating the Integration of Heterogeneous Databases. PI. NSF Digital
Government program. 3 years, 2003
SGER: A Testbed for eRulemaking Data. With Shulman (Drake University; the PI),
Zavestoski (U of San Francisco), and Callan (CMU). NSF SGER small exploratory grant,
Digital Government program. 1 year. 2003
Modeling Process and Change in Knowledge-Intensive Work Environments. PI. With O’Leary,
USC Marshall School of Business. Department of Defense, via NSF. 2 years. 2003
Training Superiority: Rapid Development of Mission-Oriented Communication Skills.
With Johnson (ISI, the PI). DARPA. 3 years. 2003
R&D in Natural Language Capabilities for ICT. US Army, via USC's Institute for
Creative technologies. 1 year. 2003
HALO Phase II OmniScience. PI. With Chalupsky, ISI. Vulcan Inc., via subcontract to
ISX. 6 months. 2003
ISI-NL: Natural Language Generation and Parsing for the Mission Rehearsal
Environment. US Army, via USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. 3 years. 2002
Information Discovery in Digital Government: Self-extending Topic Maps and Ontologies.
PI. NSF ITR program (medium grant). 3 years. 2002
Textmap: Advanced Question Answering. PI. With Marcu and Knight (both ISI). ARDA.
2 years. 2001
EDC-ML: Multilinguality for the EDC System. PI. (Subcontract from Columbia University).
NSF. 3 years. 2001
ICT-SPEECH: Natural Language Generation and Parsing for the Mission Rehearsal
Environment. US Army, via USC's Institute for Creative Technologies. 1 year. 2001
CORCO: Content Representation Canonical Ontology. PI. Department of Defense. 1 year.
The Webclopedia: Multilingual Question Answering from the Web. PI. DARPA. 3 years. 2000
ISLE: Evaluation Framework for Machine Translation. Portion of larger grant, under
the University of Pennsylvania. NSF and EU. 2 years. 2000
GEOTIDES: Enhancing Geospatial Information Delivery with Natural Language
Capabilities. With Neches (ISI, the PI). DARPA. 1 year. 1999
EDC: Ontology Construction for Information Access and Delivery in the US Government
Energy Information Administration. With others at ISI and Columbia University in the
DGRC Consortium. NSF. 1 year. 1999
DMT: Discourse Processing for Machine Translation in Japanese. With Marcu (ISI, the PI).
US Department of Defense. 1 year. 1998
EXTENUATE: Extending the Multilingual Summarization Abilities of SUMMARIST. PI.
Department of Defense. 1 year. 1998
Designing Robust Technology for Automatic Language Generation. PI. With Knight
(ISI). DARPA. 1 year. 1998
C*ST*RD: Clustering, Summarization, Translation, Reformatting, and Display of Large
Sets of Multimedia Documents. PI. DARPA. 3 years. 1997
SUMMARIST: Robust Automated Multilingual Text Summarization. PI. US Department of
Defense (TIPSTER-III Program). 3 years. 1996
FSTRANS: Performance- and User-Oriented Enhancements to Machine Translation. PI. With
Knight (ISI). US Department of Defense. 1 year. 1996
Cross-Ontology Alignment. PI. IBM, San Jose. 1996
ARABTRANS: Arabic-to-English Machine Translation. PI. With Knight (ISI). US
Department of Defense. 4 years. 1996
SYSTRMT: Enhancement of English Generation in SYSTRAN's Machine Translation.
(Subcontract to SYSTRAN Inc.) US Department of Defense. 18 months. 1996
MEDTRANS: Communication and Translation of Medical Information<. With Balzer
(ISI). DARPA. 4 years. 1994
PANGLOSS: Knowledge-Based Statistical and Symbolic Machine Translation. Co-PI,
with others at CMU andNew Mexico State U. ARPA / US Department of Defense. 2 years.
An Interlingual and Systemics-Based Approach to Machine Translation. PI. ARPA. 3 years.
English Language Generation Technology. PI. With Mann and Kasper (ISI). RADC. 2 years.
Conference and workshop support grants
Funding to develop collaborative research opportunities between ISI and researchers
in China. NSF. June 2007
Funding to support three dg.o conferences for NSF's Digital Government Program in
2000--02. NSF. 2000
Funding to support International Workshop in Multilingual Information Management.
Workshop commissioned by NSF and held in conjunction with International Conference
on Language Resources (LREC) in Granada, Spain. NSF. 1998
Funding to support the 6th International Machine Translation Summit in San Diego, CA.
AAAI and NSF. 1997
Funding to support the 7th International Language Generation Workshop in
Kennebunkport, ME. NSF and AAAI. 1994
Funding to support the international workshop Burning Issues in Discourse Structure
in Maratea, Italy, 1993. (With Prof. D. Scott, Brighton University, UK). NATO. 1993
Funding to support the 6th International Language Generation Workshop near Trento,
Italy. ACL. 1992
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| Research Grants
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