Gary L. Miller's Publications

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Solving SDD Linear Systems in Nearly $m łog^1/2 n$ Time

Michael B. Cohen, Rasmus Kyng, Gary L. Miller, Jakub W. Pachocki, Richard Peng, Anup B. Rao, and Shen Chen Xu. Solving SDD Linear Systems in Nearly $m łog^1/2 n$ Time. In STOC 2014, pp. 343–352, New York, NY, June 2014.






  author = 	 {Michael B. Cohen and Rasmus Kyng and Gary L. Miller and Jakub W. Pachocki and Richard Peng and Anup B. Rao and 
                 Shen Chen Xu},
  title = 	 {Solving {SDD} Linear Systems in Nearly $m \log^{1/2} n$ Time},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey = 	 {},
  booktitle = {STOC 2014},
  year = 	 {2014},
  OPTeditor = 	 {},
  OPTvolume = 	 {},
  OPTnumber = 	 {},
  OPTseries = 	 {},
  pages = 	 {343--352},
  month = 	 {June},
  address = 	 {New York, NY},
  OPTorganization = {},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTannote = 	 {}

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