15-836 Substructural Logics

  • Assignments generally are given out Thursday and are due the following Thursday.
  • Assignments 1-8 are individual assignments. They must represent your own work. You may consult any publicly available resources such as papers, reports, lecture notes, or large language models like ChatGPT, but you must explicitly credit such external resources in your answers. Carnegie Mellon's policy on academic integrity applies to this course.
  • Between Assignments 7 and 8 there is a miniproject which you are permitted (and encouraged) to do in pairs.
  • Homeworks may require an implementation, or simply a write-up with LaTeX or with pencil and paper.
  • Both written and programming assignments must be submitted via Gradescope on or before the given due date.
  • Extensions are granted routinely, but you need to notify the instructor before the due date with the desired late due date.
  • If you want to typeset your answers, some sample LaTeX lecture notes and style file will be posted in the misc/latex/ directory.
  • Emphasis is on correctness and elegance. Some assignments may be very difficult. If you cannot do them, write down your thoughts, but never hand back an incorrect "proof".
Out Assignment Reference Due

Aug 31 Asst 1: Substructural Inference (PDF) Sat Sep 9
Sep 7 Asst 2: Ordered Proofs (PDF) Thu Sep 14
Sep 14 Asst 3: Linear Message-Passing Programs (PDF) (mpass-v0.4.zip) Thu Sep 21
Oct 4 Asst 4: Subtyping (PDF) Thu Sep 28
Nov 3 Asst 5: Affine Logic and SAX (PDF) Mon Nov 13

Nov 10 Miniproject Fri Dec 8

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Frank Pfenning