Cult alarm from chief of schools
Dagbladet, Norway
By Anja Hegg
2 February 1998
Chief of schools in Oslo warns against the "no to drugs" organisation Narconon in Norway. The reason is the group's link to the church of scientology and that the brief is not recommended by the directorate of dangerous substances ['rusmiddeldirektoratet']
The warning was given in a gathering of school leaders for rectors of primary schools in Oslo. "We realise that Narconon is linked to the church of scientology and are generally sceptical and reluctant to let this kind of organisation into schools," says Turid Kjølseth, assistant chief of schools in Oslo.
She refers to discussions with the directorate of dangerous substance which does not recommend the brief of the organisation.
The talk is given by a former substance abuser.
In the letter from Narconon it is claimed that over one million pupils, teachers, members of the police force and parents all over world have taken part.
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REACTS: teacher of society and lifestyle ['sociallærer og livssynslærer'] Inger Leiner at the Hovset school in Oslo reacts to Narconon's lack of openness regarding its links to the church of scientology.Hovset school in Oslo has received earlier this week a letter from Narconon. Teacher of society and lifestyle Inger Leiner reacted immediately.
"I wondered about the phrase 'this is not scaremongering propaganda, but the truth about narcotics.' That made me read further in the letter. Under Facts about Narconon, it was stated that they use the methods of the writer and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard" states the lifestyle teacher Inger Leiner.
She adds that nothing was stated about the fact that Hubbard is the founder of the scientology church.
"I knew who Hubbard was, and reacted immediately to the hidden relationship between the organisation and the church of scientology," says Inger Leiner. She is pleased that the rectors in Oslo have now been warned.