CGR Localization
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 |o*localization_main.cppMain Vector Localization program
 |o*pre_render.cppA utility to pre-render a map
 |\*vectorparticlefilter.hC++ Implementation: Particle, VectorLocalization
 |o*plane_filtering.cppPlaneFiltering Implementation
 |o*plane_filtering.hInterface to PlaneFiltering class, to perform plane filtering of 3D point clouds from depth images
 |\*plane_polygon.hC++ Interfaces: PlanePolygon
 |o*vector_display.hA GUI for Vector Localization; C++ Interface: VectorDisplay
 |\*vector_display_main.cppA graphical vector localization vizualizer
 |\*kinect_main.cppPublish 3D point cloud from the Kinect
 |o*vector_map.cppC++ Implementation: VectorMap, LineSection
 |\*vector_map.hC++ Interfaces: VectorMap, LineSection
 ||o*gvector.cppUtility functions for manipulation of the vector classes
 ||o*line.hC++ Interfaces: Line2d
 ||o*quaternion_helper.hHelpers for integrating Eigen Quaternions with GVector classes
 ||o*triangle.hC++ Interfaces: Triangle3d
 | o*ansicolor.h
 | o*configreader.cpp
 | o*configreader.h
 | o*configreader_test.cpp
 | o*extensions.hC++ Extensions
 | o*popt_pp.h
 | o*
 | o*proghelp.h
 | o*sstring.h
 | o*terminal_utils.cppSubroutines to spice up stdout
 | o*terminal_utils.hSubroutines to spice up stdout
 | o*
 | o*timer.h
 | o*watch_files.cpp
 | \*watch_files.h