CONALD, June 11-13 Conference on Automated Learning and Discovery
General Information Submission Instructions Registration Workshops Travel and Accommodation Committees
Plenary Speakers

Tom Dietterich

Stuart Geman

David Heckerman

Michael Jordan

Daryl Pregibon

Herb Simon

Robert Tibshirani

Submission Instructions  

General: Participants are strongly encouraged to submit a paper to CONALD. Submissions will be forwarded to the workshop organizers who will decide about acceptance or rejection of the paper and admission of the author(s) to the workshop. Accepted papers will be collected and distributed to all participants of CONALD. The purpose of the paper submission is two-fold: To give other workshop participants the opportunity to familiarize themselves with a participant's work, and to guide workshop organizers in defining a workshop's scope and agenda.

CONALD solicitates the submissions of two types of papers: position papers and full papers. Position papers are intended to communicate the participant's experience and interest in a specific workshop to other workshop participants. Full papers will allow participants to describe an interesting problem domain in more depth, or to report interesting preliminary results obtained for a topic relevant to the target workshops. Papers are not intended to present finished work. The workshops will be highly informal, and the workshop chairs might decide not to schedule formal presentations.

Review process: Submissions to CONALD will be forward to the respective workshop chairs, who will screen them for suitability and merit. Workshop organizers will make decisions (1) on the inclusion of the paper in the workshop materials, and (2) on admitting the respective author(s) to the workshop. Some workshops will only admit a limited number of participants. Here preference will be given to authors of accepcted papers over authors of rejected papers and participants who did not submit a paper at all. We anticipate that most participants of CONALD will attend two workshops. However, submitting a paper to just one of them is fully acceptable.

Submission format: Unless otherwise specified in the workshop description, position papers are limited to two pages (preferably would be one). Full papers are limited to six pages. Papers must be submitted on 8 1/2 x 11 inch or A4 paper, with margins no smaller than 1 inch. The font must be 10 point or larger. Not every workshop will accept full papers. Please check!

Submission instructions: Papers are directly submitted to a particular workshop. Authors are requested to send 4 (four) copies of their paper to

    CONALD'98 / CALD
    Workshop ??? (fill in the workshop name or number)
    Carnegie Mellon University
    5000 Forbes Ave.
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
Papers must arrive at CMU by Monday, February 16, 1998. Papers received after this date will be returned unopened. The name of the workshop must appear on the envelope. Authors may submit papers to two workshops, as long as these workshops take place at different days. Notification of receipt will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) by March 1, 1998. Authors will be informed of the decision by March 30, 1998. Submissions to CONALD workshops may also be submitted to other workshops or conferences.

Please direct all inquiries to

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The conference is sponsored by CMU's newly created Center for Automated Learning and Discovery.