
Awarded and Active

National Science Foundation (NSF), EHR Core Research (ECR).  PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Jessica Hammer (Carnegie Mellon University),  J. Elizabeth Richey, (University of Pittsburgh), Ryan Baker (University of Pennsylvania),  Nicole Else-Quest (University of North Carolina), Jon Star (Harvard University), “Collaborative Research: Investigating Gender Differences in Digital Learning Games with Educational Data Mining,”  (CMU Portion: $1,050,243)   Period:  07/01/22 to 06/30/25.   (See the NSF Award Announcement;  Read CMU article about this grant)

National Science Foundation (NSF), BCS - Science of Learning and Augmented Intelligence. PI: Ido Davidesco (University of Connecticut); Co-PI: Bruce M. McLaren (Carnegie Mellon University), J. Elizabeth Richey (University of Pittsburgh), “NSF-BSF: Utilizing Neurophysiological Measures to Better Understand and Improve Engagement and Learning with Intelligent Tutoring Systems,”   (CMU Portion: $368,873)  Period:  07/01/22 to 06/30/25.   (See the NSF Award Announcement) 

National Science Foundation (NSF), Future of Work. PI: Lee Branstetter; Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Carolyn Rose, Majd Sakr (Carnegie Mellon University), Michael Rinsem (Community College of Allegheny County),  “A New Bridge to the Digital Economy: Integrated AI-Augmented Learning and Collaboration,”  (McLaren Portion: $560,439.93)  Period: 09/01/22 to 08/31/25.   (See the NSF Award Announcement;  Read CMU article about this grant)

Richard King Mellon Foundation, Science and Technology Talent Development Program.  PI: Lee Branstetter (CMU); Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren (CMU), Carolyn Rose (CMU), Lauren Herckis (CMU),  Majd Sakr (CMU), Michael Rinsem (CCAC), "Bridges to Digital Economy Jobs," (Total budget $350,000; McLearn Lab current allocation: $29,124), Period: 11/1/23 to 3/31/25  


Google. Google Academic Research Awards 2024.  PI: Bruce M. McLaren (Carnegie Mellon University), “Providing More Effective, Context-Sensitive, and Equitable Hints and Feedback in a Digital Learning Game using a Large Language Model,”  Submitted July 17, 2023.  Proposed Period:  09/01/24 to 08/31/29.

National Science Foundation (NSF), Racial Equity in STEM Education. PI: Leshell Hatley (Uplift Inc.), Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Jessica Hammer (Carnegie Mellon University);  Brad W. Mott, James C. Lester, Jessica L. Vandenberg (North Carolina State University), Rita Fennelly-Atkinson, Amanda L. Armstrong (Digital Promise); “Collaborative Research: Creating Equitable Digital Learning Games for Middle School STEM Topics - Supporting Engagement and Learning for Black Youth,”  Submitted December 5, 2023.  Proposed Period:  09/01/24 to 08/31/29.

Awarded and Completed

Simon Initiative Grant (Internal CMU),  PI: Huy Nguyen, Co-PI: Bruce M. McLaren, “Examining the Effect of Gender and Game Narrative on Learning and Enjoyment from Digital Learning Games”  ($15,000)  Period: 07/01/23 to 06/30/24.  

National Science Foundation (NSF), EHR Core Research (ECR). PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Ryan Baker (University of Pennsylvania), Jon Star (Harvard University), “Collaborative Research: Using Educational Data Mining Techniques to Uncover How and Why Students Learn from Erroneous Examples,”  (CMU Portion: $914,042)  Period:  06/01/17 to 12/31/22.   (See the NSF Award Announcement;  Read the CMU HCII article about this grant)

U.S. Department of Education (IES).  PI: Vincent Aleven, Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Steve Ritter (Carnegie Learning, Inc.), “Enhancing Student Learning with an Orchestration Tool for Personalized Teacher-Student Interactions in Classrooms Using Intelligent Tutoring Software,” ($1,399,754).  Period:  07/01/18 to 06/30/22.

National Science Foundation (NSF), REAL Program, PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Aaron Mitchell, John Stamper, “Knowing What Students Know: Using Educational Data Mining to Predict Robust STEM Learning,” ($1,487,345).  Period:  09/01/14 to 08/31/19.    (See the NSF Award Announcement)

National Science Foundation (NSF),  Cyberlearning Program, PI: Bruce M. McLaren, “Support for Doctoral Students to Attend the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED 2019),” ($20,000).  Period:  June 2019. 

Manufacturing Futures Initiative (MFI), Internal CMU Funding from the Mellon Foundation. PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PI: Sandra DeVincent Wolf,  “Generalizing the Framework for the AM Training Tutor to Support Training across Additive Manufacturing Machines,” ($71,346).   Period: 09/01/19 to 11/30/20. 

Manufacturing Futures Initiative (MFI), Internal CMU Funding from the Mellon Foundation. PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PI: Matthew Travers, “Training for Mass Production: A Blueprint Project in the Food Industry,” ($66,087)  Period: 09/01/18 to 11/30/19. 

Simon Initiative, ProSEED.  PI: Lauren Herckis, Co-PI: Bruce M. McLaren, “Deploying Educational Technology with Fidelity: Capitalizing on Research from Biomedicine,” ($15,000)   Period: 07/01/18 to 06/30/20. 

Manufacturing Futures Initiative (MFI), Internal CMU Funding from the Mellon Foundation. PI: Sandra DeVincent Wolf, Co-PI: Bruce M. McLaren, “Training in Additive Manufacturing Using Entertainment and Tutoring Technologies,” ($59,483)  Period: 09/01/18 to 08/31/19. 

National Science Foundation (NSF), Cyberlearning, PI: Vincent Aleven,  Co-PI: Bruce M. McLaren,  “EXP: Helping Teachers Help their Students: Teachers’ Use of Intelligent Tutoring Software Analytics to Improve Student Learning,” ($549,575)   Period: 09/01/15 to 08/31/18.   (See the NSF Award Announcement)

U.S. Department of Education (IES), PI: Sandra Katz, Co-PIs: Pamela Jordan, Patricia Albacete, Bruce M. McLaren,  “Linking Dialogue and Student Modeling to Create an Enhanced Micro-Adaptive Tutoring System,”  (Subcontract: $571,470).   Period:  09/01/15 to 08/31/18.  (See the Department of Education (IES) Announcement)

National Science Foundation (NSF), Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), PI: Bruce M. McLaren,  “LOGIC: Linkage Objects for Generalized Instruction in Coding,” ($77,940) Subaward from Tutorgen, Inc.  Period: 01/01/15 to 6/30/16 (with no-cost extension).

ProSEED, Simon Seed Grant, Carnegie Mellon University, PI: Bruce M. McLaren,  Co-PI: Mara Harrell,  “Can Collaborative Argument Diagramming Improve Students’ Understanding of Argumentation and Ability to Argue?”  ($20,000).  Period:  07/01/14 to 08/31/16.

Singapore Management University,  PI: Bruce M. McLaren,   Co-PI: Ken Koedinger  “Intelligent Tutoring for Business Modelling Spreadsheets,”  ($120,000).   Period: 01/01/14 to 06/30/15. 

National Science Foundation (NSF), Transforming STEM Learning (TSL), Award No: DRL-1238619.  PI: Bruce M. McLaren,  Co-PI: Jodi Forlizzi,  “Enhancing Mathematics Education with Educational Games: Can Erroneous Examples Help?”   ($510,518).   Period:  10/01/12 to 03/31/15.    (See the NSF Award Announcement)

U.S. Department of Education (IES),  PI: Michael Timms (WestEd),   Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Douglas Weihnacht  “Voyage to Galapagos: Development of a Differentiated Assistance Model in an Inquiry Learning Environment,”  (Subcontract amount: $237,812)   Period: 03/01/11 to 02/28/14. 

National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: SBE0354420. PI: Kenneth R. Koedinger, “Pittsburgh Sciences of Learning Center: Robust Learning with Learning Experiments in Real Classrooms.”  McLaren was awarded this project under the learning center grant.  “Worked Examples, Intelligently-Tutored Problems, Erroneous Examples, and Problems to Solve: Which Materials are Best for Different Levels of Learners?”  PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Dave Yaron, Tamara Van Gog  ($91,714).   Period: 01/01/12 to 12/31/13.

U.S. Department of Education (IES), Award No: R305A090460.  PI: Bruce M. McLaren, “AdaptErrEx: Exploring the Learning Benefits of Erroneous Examples and Their Dynamic Adaptations Within the Context of Middle School Mathematics,” ($1,302,928).   Period: 09/01/09 to 07/31/13 (including no-cost extension period).  (See the AdaptErrEx project webpage)

European Commission, 7th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (FP7-ICT-2009-5),  PI: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Baruch Schwarz);  Co-PIs: Saarland University (Bruce M. McLaren), Researchers from five other European institutions, “METAFORA - Learning to Learn Together: A Visual Language for Social Orchestration of Educational Activities,"  (Subcontract amount: 230,000 Euros ~= $300,000)   Period: 07/01/10 to 10/01/13.    (See the Metafora project webpage)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, the German Research Foundation), PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Niels Pinkwart, “Learning to Argue: Generalized Support Across Domains (LASAD),” (Approximate funding over 4 years: 700,000 Euros ~= $1,000,000).   Period: 11/01/08 to 10/31/12. (Notes: (1) There was an initial grant period of 2 years and then an extension of 2 years based on a new proposal. (2) Unlike U.S. grants, DFG allows equal PIs, as opposed to designating a single PI, so McLaren and Pinkwart are equal PIs.)    (See the LASAD project webpage)

Ministry of Education and Science of the Ukraine;  National Aerospace University, PI: Bruce M. McLaren;  “Training of Dr. Andriy Chukhray on Intelligent Tutoring Systems and Studies of Learning,”   ($7,716).  Period: 11/01/11 to 01/01/2012.

U.S. Department of Education (IES), Award No: R305A080093.  PI: Vincent Aleven, Co-PI: Bruce M. McLaren. “Bringing Cognitive Tutors to the Internet: A Website that Helps Middle-School Students Learn Math,” ($1,490,705).   Period: 03/01/08 to 04/30/11.    (See the Mathtutor project webpage)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, the German Research Foundation),  PIs: Erica Melis, Bruce M. McLaren,  “Adaptive Learning with Erroneous Examples (ALoE),”  (~$250,000).  Period: 09/01/08 to 08/31/10.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: 0627513.  PI: Norman Sadeh, Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Lorrie Cranor, Ljudevit Bauer, and Jason Hong,  “CT-T: User-Controllable Security and Privacy for Pervasive Computing,”  ($1,968,217).   Period: 09/01/06 to 08/31/10.

Office of Naval Research (ONR) Award No: N000140310220. PI: Kenneth R. Koedinger, Co-PIs: Neil Heffernan, Bruce M. McLaren, and Vincent Aleven. “Demonstrating Affordable Behavioral Modeling with CTAT Through Machine Learning and Human-Computer Interaction Techniques,” ($887,362).   Period: 12/01/05 to 11/30/08.  (See the CTAT project webpage)

European Commission, Sixth Framework Programme IST – Technology-Enhanced Learning (STREP Contract No. 027728), PI: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Co-PIs: DFKI (Bruce M. McLaren), Researchers from five other European institutions, “ARGUNAUT – An Intelligent Guide to Support Productive Online Dialogue,”  Period: 12/01/05 to 08/31/08.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Award No: SBE0354420. PI: Kenneth R. Koedinger, “Pittsburgh Sciences of Learning Center: Robust Learning with Learning Experiments in Real Classrooms,”   Period: 10/01/04 to 09/30/14.  McLaren was awarded the following learning center projects under this grant.

  • “Worked Examples, Intelligently-Tutored Problems, Erroneous Examples, and Problems to Solve: Which Materials are Best for Different Levels of Learners?” PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Dave Yaron, Tamara van Gog ($141,700).   Period: 12/01/12 to 12/31/13. (See and
  • “Exploring the Assistance Dilemma and Robust Learning in the Context of the Stoichiometry Tutors,” PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Dave Yaron, Ken Koedinger ($83,266).   Period: 01/01/08 to 09/30/09.  (See the Stoich studies webpage)
  • “CTAT: Start-to-Finish Creation of Computer-Based Tutors Without Programming,” PI: Vincent Aleven, Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Jonathan Sewall ($598,990).   Period: 10/01/07 to 09/30/09.   (See the CTAT project webpage)
  • “Supporting Conceptual Learning in Chemistry through Collaboration Scripts and Adaptive, Online Support,” PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Nikol Rummel, Andi Harrer, Hans Spada, Niels Pinkwart ($169,122).   Period: 01/01/07 to 06/30/08.
  • “Improving Algebra Learning and Collaboration through Collaborative Extensions to the Algebra Cognitive Tutor,” PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Nikol Rummel, Mindy Kalchman, Hans Spada ($503,500).   Period: 01/01/05 to 12/31/07.
  • “CTAT: Authoring Tools and Services for Computer-Based Tutors in LearnLab Experiments and Courses,” PI: Vincent Aleven, Co-PIs: Bruce M. McLaren, Jonathan Sewall, John laPlante ($428,528).    Period: 10/01/06 to 09/30/07.  (See the CTAT project webpage)
  • “Studying the Learning Effect of Personalization and Worked Examples in the Solving of Stoichiometry Problems,” PI: Bruce M. McLaren, Co-PIs: Dave Yaron, Ken Koedinger ($44,842).   Period: 08/01/05 to 12/31/05.  (See the Stoich studies webpage)
  • “CTAT: Tools to Author Intelligent and Pseudo-Intelligent Tutors: A PSLC Enabling Technology Proposal,” PI:  Vincent Aleven, Co-PIs:  Bruce M. McLaren, Jonathan Sewall ($785,167).   Period: 10/01/04 to 09/30/06.  (See the CTAT project webpage)