
He will not accept commissions or allowances, directly or indirectly, from contractors or other parties dealing with his clients or employer in connection with work for which he is responsible.

10(b). (Part 1)

[See Codes C16. (Part 1), II.4.c. (Part 2), III.5.b. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer has an employer
Engineer is responsible for engineering work with the employer
Code is violated when:
Engineer accepts a commission or allowance (directly or indirectly) from contractors or other parties in connection with the engineering work
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not accept a commission or allowance (directly or indirectly) from contractors or other parties in connection with the engineering work

10(b). (Part 2)

[See Codes C16. (Part 2), II.4.c. (Part 4), III.5.b. (Part 2) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer has a client
Engineer is responsible for engineering work with the client
Code is violated when:
Engineer accepts a commission or allowance (directly or indirectly) from contractors or other parties in connection with the engineering work
Code is not violated when
Engineer does not accept a commission or allowance (directly or indirectly) from contractors or other parties in connection with the engineering work

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