This is an OLD version of the course. Please go to the 2011 page instead!

Brad Myers (Instructor)

Brad Myers (Instructor)
e-mail bam @ cs
phone x8-5150
office Newell-Simon Hall (NSH) 3517
Website arrow

Noah Levin (TA)

Noah Levin (TA)
e-mail nlevin @ cmu
office hours
Wednesday 12:30 – 1:30pm
NSH 3001
Website arrow

Jane Park (TA)

Jane Park (TA)
e-mail jjpark @ andrew
office hours
Sunday 3 – 4pm
NSH 3001
Website arrow

Kevin Yeh (TA)

Kevin Yeh (TA)
e-mail kyeh @ andrew
office hours
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm
NSH 3001


For course add and drop problems, please contact the administrators from the following departments:

HCII (05-863) ISR (08-763) Tepper (46-863)
Nicole Willis
nicolewi @ cs
300 S.Craig, #229
Linda Francona
laf20 @ cs
Smith Hall, 231A
Vickie Motz
vmotz @ andrew