15-213/15-513 Introduction to Computer Systems: Schedule

Notes on links

  • pptx links are to Powerpoint versions of the lectures
  • pdf links are to Adobe Acrobat versions of the lectures
  • code links are to directories containing code used for class demonstrations
  • tar links are to archive files in TAR format. Use the tar command on a linux machine to unpack these
  • 15-213 / 15-513 lectures are presented by Prof. Brian Railing (bpr) as indicated in the schedule.
  • All times (unless otherwise noted) are in Eastern Time.

Schedule (subject to change)

Date Lecture/Recitation Instructor   Reading   Labs

May 14 Overview (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 1 L0 (cprogramminglab) out
May 15 Bits, Bytes, & Integers I (pdf, pptx, activity, soln, video, video2) bpr 2.1-2.3 L1 (datalab) out
May 16 Machine Prog: Basics (pdf, pptx, activity, soln, video) bpr 3.1-3.5
May 17 More Machine Prog + Linux bpr

May 21 Machine Prog: Control (pdf, pptx, activity, soln, video) bpr 3.6 L0 due
May 23 Machine Prog: Procedures (pdf, pptx, activity, soln, video) bpr 3.7 L1 due
May 24 Machine Prog: Data (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 3.8-3.9 L2 (bomblab) out

May 29 Machine Prog: Advanced (pdf, pptx, activity, soln, video) bpr 3.10
May 30 Design and Debugging (pdf, pptx, video) bpr
May 31 Linking (pdf, pptx, activity, activit-soln, video) bpr 7

Jun 04 Recitation 5: Attack Lab and Stacks (slides, handout, video) L2 due, L3 (attacklab) out
Jun 06 The Memory Hierarchy (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 6.1-6.3
Jun 07 Cache Memories (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 6.4-6.7

Jun 10 L4 (cachelab) out
Jun 11 L3 due
Jun 12 Code Optimization (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 5
Jun 13 Virtual Memory: Concepts (pdf, video) bpr 9.1-9.6
Jun 14 Virtual Memory: Details (pdf, video) bpr 9.7-9.8

Jun 18 Dynamic Memory Allocation: Basic (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 9.9
Jun 19 No class - Juneteenth L5 (malloclab) out
Jun 20 Dynamic Memory Allocation: Advanced (pdf, pptx, video) bpr 9.10-9.12 L4 due

Jun 25 Processes and Multitasking (pdf, video) bpr 8.1-8.4
Jun 26 Exceptional Control Flow (pdf, video) bpr 8.5-8.8

Jul 02 Bootcamp 5: Post-checkpoint Malloc L5a Due
Jul 04 No class - Fourth of July
Jul 05 Summer Break

Jul 09 L5b Due, L6 (tshlab) out

Jul 16 System Level I/O (pdf, video) bpr 10
Jul 17 File Systems and SFS Lab (pdf, video) bpr
Jul 18 Network Programming (Part I) (pdf, video) bpr 11.1-11.4
Jul 19 Network Programming (Part II) (pdf, video) bpr 11.4-11.6 L6 Due, L7 (proxylab) out

Jul 23 Concurrent programming (pdf, video) bpr 12.1-12.3
Jul 24 Synchronization: Basic (pdf, video) bpr 12.4, 12.5.1-3
Jul 25 Synchronization: Advanced (pdf, video) bpr 12.5.4-5, 12.7-8
Jul 26 Thread-Level Parallelism (pdf, video) bpr 12.6

Aug 01 Final Exam
Aug 02 L7 / 8 due