CS 15-122: Principles of Imperative Computation
(Fall 2024)

Schedule of Classes

At a glance ...


The course is organized around the following themes:
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 5-9 Weeks 10-14
Deliberate programming Data structures Transition to C

In this course, there will be two types of class periods:

Before the First Day of Classes

The "setup lab" will get you up to speed with some of the technology used in 15-122 and put you on the right footing for everything that will come later in the semester. Please complete it before the first day of classes (it will take about an hour). Here's what you need: If you get stuck anywhere, don't worry: we will have a workshop on Tuesday at 7pm where our friendly staff will help you resolve any lingering issues. You are also welcome to ask questions about it on !

2024 Iliano Cervesato