© 2017 HCII Institute, Carnegie Mellon University

By developing transformative and adaptive materials, we design interfaces that redefine the interactive relationship between human, other living organisms, environment, objects and intangible data. We challenge the definition of traditional human computer interface which was constrained on a computer screen, and encode information and interactivity into physical materials. We call such interactive material as "morphing matter"!

We design for the myrid of life experiences, including clothes we wear, objects we use, environment we habitate, robots and AI we rely on, and even food we eat:

  • a "second skin" textile composed of living bacteria modulates body sweat and forms a mutual communitie with the human body. (Link to our project)
  • a flower blossoms at any given moment without the constraints of seasons. (Link)
  • food becomes media to communicate information. (Link)

  • SCMC: Shape Changing Matrix Composites refer to composive materials that are capable of transformation in shape and other physical properties (e.g. friction, wetting, stiffness, etc.). We study the structual composition and transformation mechanisms upon various stimuli.
  • Bio-inspried, bio-mimetic, bio-derived and bio-encoded adaptive materials.
  • Self-organizing material systems, swarming materials, and cellular automata.
  • Computational tools to simulate material mechanisms.
  • Design platforms that leverage the advantage of parametric design, data mining and artificial intelligence.
  • Fabrication machine platforms including robotic fabrication, 3D printing, digital weaving, etc.
  • biological and natural processes as fabrication strategies