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Appendix A. ROC graphs for Oil Dataset

The following figures show different sets of ROC curves for the oil dataset. Figure 29 (a) shows the ROC curves for the Oil dataset, as included in the main text; Figure 29(b) shows the ROC curves without the ROC convex hull; Figure 29(c) shows the two convex hulls, obtained with and without SMOTE. The ROC convex hull shown by dashed lines and stars in Figure 29(c), was computed by including Under-C4.5 and Naive Bayes in the family of ROC curves. The ROC convex hull shown by solid line and small circles in Figure 29(c) was computed by including 500 SMOTE-C4.5, Under-C4.5, and Naive Bayes in the family of ROC curves. The ROC convex hull with SMOTE dominates the ROC convex hull without SMOTE, hence SMOTE-C4.5 contributes more optimal classifiers.

Figure 29: ROC curves for the Oil Dataset. (a) ROC curves for SMOTE-C4.5, Under-C4.5, Naive Bayes, and their ROC convex hull. (b) ROC curves for SMOTE-C4.5, Under-C4.5, and Naive Bayes. (c) ROC convex hulls with and without SMOTE.
 ...erline{\psfig{figure=oilhulls.eps,width=2.6in}} \centerline{(c)} } }\end{figure}

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Nitesh Chawla (CS)