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Recovery from Extreme Localization Failures


We conjecture that a key advantage of the original Markov localization technique lies in its ability to recover from extreme localization failures. Re-localization after a failure is often more difficult than global localization from scratch, since the robot starts with a belief that is centered at a completely wrong position. Since the filtering techniques use the current belief to select the readings that are incorporated, it is not clear that they still maintain the ability to recover from global localization failures.

To analyze the behavior of the filters under such extreme conditions, we carried out a series of experiments during which we manually introduced such failures into the data to test the robustness of these methods in the extreme. More specifically, we ``tele-ported'' the robot at random points in time to other locations. Technically, this was done by changing the robot's orientation by 180 tex2html_wrap_inline3441 degree and shifting it by 0 tex2html_wrap_inline3445 cm, without letting the robot know. These perturbations were introduced randomly, with a probability of 0.005 per meter of robot motion. Obviously, such incidents make the robot lose track of its position. Each method was tested on 20 differently corrupted versions of both datasets. This resulted in a total of more than 50 position failures in each dataset. For each of these failures we measured the time until the methods re-localized the robot correctly. Re-Localization was assumed to have succeeded if the distance between the estimated position and the reference path was smaller than 45cm for more than 10 seconds.

Table 3: Summary of recovery experiments.

Table 3 provides re-localization results for the various methods, based on the two different datasets. Here tex2html_wrap_inline3501 represents the average time in seconds needed to recover from a localization error. The results are remarkably different from the results obtained under normal operational conditions. Both conventional Markov localization and the technique using distance filters are relatively efficient in recovering from extreme positioning errors in the first dataset, whereas the entropy filter-based approach is an order of magnitude less efficient (see first row in Table 3). The unsatisfactory performance of the entropy filter in this experiment is due to the fact that it disregards all sensor measurements that do not confirm the belief of the robot. While this procedure is reasonable when the belief is correct, it prevents the robot from detecting localization failures. The percentage of time when the position of the robot was lost in the entire run is given in the second row of the table. Please note that this percentage includes both, failures due to manually introduced perturbations and tracking failures. Again, the distance filter is slightly better than the approach without filter, while the entropy filter performs poorly. The average times tex2html_wrap_inline3501 to recover from failures on the second dataset are similar to those in the first dataset. The bottom row in Table 3 provides the percentage of failures for this more difficult dataset. Here the distance filter-based approach performs significantly better than both other approaches, since it is able to quickly recover from localization failures and to reliably track the robot's position.

The results illustrate that despite the fact that sensor readings are processed selectively, the distance filter-based technique recovers as efficiently from extreme localization errors as the conventional Markov approach.

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Dieter Fox
Fri Nov 19 14:29:33 MET 1999