The Aesop System

Aesop Developer's Page

This document contains details of the design and implementation of Aesop and should function as a "living document" for developers on the project. It covers conventions and procedures for the group as well as the details of the current incarnation of the Aesop system. It still needs a lot of work to be made current, including writing some much needed high level design documentation.

Basic Documents

Anyone doing development on Aesop should be familiar with the following documents.

Technical Documents

The normal developer shouldn't have to worry about this stuff for the most part.

Legacy Documents

These are some old docs which may or may not be relevant to the current system.

ABLE Project Management

This is info. about current design and development activities, deadlines and specific action items.
  • A The beginnings of an actual project management database.

    The Aesop New Design

    Design documentation and proposals for the new Aesop design are stored in the following links (all of these are, or should be, local access only).

    Hey, ABLE developers, have a good idea or design document that you want to contribute? Then read these instructions for posting your document.

    For discussion on development issues relating to Aesop, check out the newsgroup (local access only).

    Some other pointers that might be useful:

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