CUresult cuMemsetD2D32Async ( CUdeviceptr  dstDevice,
size_t  dstPitch,
unsigned int  ui,
size_t  Width,
size_t  Height,
CUstream  hStream 

Sets the 2D memory range of Width 32-bit values to the specified value ui. Height specifies the number of rows to set, and dstPitch specifies the number of bytes between each row. This function performs fastest when the pitch is one that has been passed back by cuMemAllocPitch().

cuMemsetD2D32Async() is asynchronous and can optionally be associated to a stream by passing a non-zero stream argument.

dstDevice - Destination device pointer
dstPitch - Pitch of destination device pointer
ui - Value to set
Width - Width of row
Height - Number of rows
hStream - Stream identifier
Note that this function may also return error codes from previous, asynchronous launches.
See also:
cuArray3DCreate, cuArray3DGetDescriptor, cuArrayCreate, cuArrayDestroy, cuArrayGetDescriptor, cuMemAlloc, cuMemAllocHost, cuMemAllocPitch, cuMemcpy2D, cuMemcpy2DAsync, cuMemcpy2DUnaligned, cuMemcpy3D, cuMemcpy3DAsync, cuMemcpyAtoA, cuMemcpyAtoD, cuMemcpyAtoH, cuMemcpyAtoHAsync, cuMemcpyDtoA, cuMemcpyDtoD, cuMemcpyDtoDAsync, cuMemcpyDtoH, cuMemcpyDtoHAsync, cuMemcpyHtoA, cuMemcpyHtoAAsync, cuMemcpyHtoD, cuMemcpyHtoDAsync, cuMemFree, cuMemFreeHost, cuMemGetAddressRange, cuMemGetInfo, cuMemHostAlloc, cuMemHostGetDevicePointer, cuMemsetD2D8, cuMemsetD2D8Async, cuMemsetD2D16, cuMemsetD2D16Async, cuMemsetD2D32, cuMemsetD8, cuMemsetD8Async, cuMemsetD16, cuMemsetD16Async, cuMemsetD32, cuMemsetD32Async

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