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Issue:               FORMAT-STRING-ARGUMENTS


Related issues: Issue PRETTY-PRINT-INTERFACE


Edit history: V1, 10 May 90, Sandra Loosemore

Problem description:


The function FORMAT is extended so that it can accept a

function instead of a FORMAT string. (This change is also made

in the other functions that accept FORMAT strings such as ERROR

and WARN.)

The pretty printer proposal did not explicitly address whether

this also affects the :FORMAT-STRING slot of simple-condition

objects, and whether any macros (as well as functions) specified

in the standard were affected by the change.

Also, there is potential for confusion in using the terminology

"format strings" to refer to objects that are now permitted to

be either strings or functions.

There are two proposals, SPECIFY and RETRACT.

This is issue #1 from Loosemore's list.


(1) Clarify that the following functions and macros which formerly were

specified to take format strings as arguments now accept either

a format string or a format function:

ASSERT (datum; treated like a string argument is now)

BREAK (format-string)

CERROR (both continue-format-string and datum arguments)


ERROR (datum; treated like a string argument is now)

FORMAT (control-string)

INVALID-METHOD-ERROR (format-string)


SIGNAL (datum; treated like a string argument is now)

WARN (datum; treated like a string argument is now)

WITH-SIMPLE-RESTART (format-string)

Y-OR-N-P (format-string)

YES-OR-NO-P (format-string)

(2) Clarify that the :FORMAT-STRING argument passed to MAKE-CONDITION

to construct a condition which is a subtype of SIMPLE-CONDITION

may be either a string or a function, and the accessor

SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-STRING can return either a string or a function.

(3) Change the name of the :FORMAT-STRING argument to MAKE-CONDITION

associated with SIMPLE-CONDITION types to :FORMAT-CONTROL, and

rename the accessor function to SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-CONTROL. As

an editorial matter, change all references to arguments now

named "format-string" to "format-control".

Rationale for proposal SPECIFY:

Items (1) and (2) were probably what was intended by the

PRETTY-PRINT-INTERFACE proposal. Item (3) is a logical

extension; since the arguments need not be strings, calling

them "format-strings" is a misnomer.


(1) Retract the part of issue PRETTY-PRINT-INTERFACE that required

FORMAT, related functions such as ERROR and WARN, and the ~?

and ~{~} directives to accept format control functions as well

as strings.

(2) Remove the FORMATTER macro from the language.

Rationale for proposal RETRACT:

It is easier to remove this feature than to try to fix the rest

of the language to be consistent with it. Having a macro to

"compile" format strings into functions is probably not useful

in the absence of the extensions to FORMAT.

Current Practice:

Unknown. The pretty printer specification is a fairly recent

addition to the language and it probably hasn't been fully

integrated into any implementation yet.

Cost to Implementors:

The actual implementation cost of extending the listed functions

and macros to accept function arguments is probably small, since

in most cases they just pass the argument to FORMAT anyway.

Both proposals probably involve changes to documentation.

Cost to Users:

For proposal SPECIFY, the incompatible change to the name of the

:FORMAT-STRING slot of SIMPLE-CONDITION objects may cause some

problems for users who have started using the condition system

in their code, but these ought to be fairly straightforward to

track down and fix.

Proposal RETRACT may cause some problems for users who have

started writing code which uses the FORMATTER macro and the

extension to FORMAT to accept functions, but again the

problems should generally be easy to find and fix.

Cost of non-adoption:

Parts of the language are poorly specified.

Performance impact:

The ability to "compile" format strings into functions in advance can

potentially lead to greater runtime efficiency. On the other

hand, some implementations might implement FORMATTER in such a

way that it is less efficient than passing a format string

directly. Furthermore, even without FORMATTER in the language,

it is still possible for implementations to do a compile-time

transformation to "compile" constant string arguments to FORMAT

and related functions.


The language is better specified.


Either proposal would be an improvement over the current



Conceivably, the FORMATTER macro could be left in the language

even while removing the extensions to FORMAT and friends, but it's

not clear how useful this would be to users.

Loosemore opposes other partial solutions (like requiring FORMAT

to accept both strings and functions but specifying everything else

to accept only strings) on the grounds that they would

introduce additional, unnecessary complexity and inconsistency

into the language. If the feeling is that this feature belongs

in the language, we ought to bite the bullet and do it


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