Yang Wang

Privacy and Security

P.G. Leon, B. Ur, R. Shay, Y. Wang, R. Balebako, L.F. Cranor. “Why Johnny Can’t Opt Out: A Usability Evaluation of Tools to Limit Online Behavioral Advertising To appear in International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI2012). [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 23%, Best Paper Honorable Mention, awarded top 5% of accepted papers]

B. Ur, Y. Wang. Online Social Networks in a Post-Soviet State: How Hungarians Protect and Share on Facebook To appear in iConference2012. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: TBA]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. A PLA-Based Privacy-Enhancing User Modeling Framework and its Evaluation To appear in User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI). [Journal paper]

Y. Wang, A. Aghasaryan, A. Shrihari, D. Pergament, G. Kamga, S. Betgé-Brezetz. Intelligent Reactive Access Control for Moving Personal Data In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT2011). [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 8%]

P.G. Leon, B. Ur, R. Balebako, L.F. Cranor, R. Shay and Y. Wang. “Why Johnny Can’t Opt Out: A Usability Evaluation of Tools to Limit Online Behavioral Advertising CyLab Technical Report CMU-CyLab-11-017.

Y. Wang, S. Komanduri, P.G. Leon, G. Norcie, A. Acquisti, L.F. Cranor. “I regretted the minute I pressed share”: A Qualitative Study of Regrets on Facebook In Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS2011). [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 33%]

Y. Wang, G. Norcie, L.F. Cranor. Who Is Concerned about What? A Study of American, Chinese and Indian Users’ Privacy Concerns on Social Networking Sites In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing (TRUST2011). [Conference paper, acceptance rate: TBA]

E. Toch, Y. Wang, L.F. Cranor. Personalization and Privacy: A Survey of Privacy Risks and Remedies in Personalization-Based Systems To appear in User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI) 20th Anniversary Special Issue, 2012. [Journal paper]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Privacy in Cross-System Personalization In Proceedings of AAAI Privacy 2010 Symposium (Privacy2010), Palo Alto, CA, 2010.

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Performance Evaluation of a Dynamic Privacy-Enhancing Framework for Personalized Websites In Proceedings of the 1st and 17th International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP09), Trento, Italy, pp. 78-89, 2009. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 26%]

S. A. Hendrickson, Y. Wang, A. van der Hoek, R. N. Taylor, A. Kobsa Modeling PLA Variation of Privacy-Enhancing Personalized Systems In Proceedings of the 13th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC09), San Francisco, CA, 2009. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 36%]

A. Kobsa, R. Sonawalla, G. Tsudik, E. Uzun and Y. Wang (authors in alphabetical order) Serial Hook-Ups: A Comparative Usability Study of Secure Device Pairing Methods In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS09), Mountain View, CA, pp. 1-12, 2009. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 30%]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Privacy in Online Social Networking at Workplace In Proceedings of the IEEE SocialCom'09 Workshop on Security and Privacy in Online Social Networking (SPOSN09), Vancouver, Canada, 2009. [Workshop paper]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Technical Solutions for Privacy-Enhanced Personalization In: Constantinos Mourlas and Panagiotis Germanakos, eds.: Intelligent User Interfaces: Adaptation and Personalization Systems and Technologies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009. [Book chapter]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Privacy Enhancing Technology In: M. Gupta and R. Sharman, eds.: Handbook of Research on Social and Organizational Liabilities in Information Security. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2009. [Book chapter]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Respecting Users’ Individual Privacy Constraints in Web Personalization In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on User Modeling (UM07), Corfu, Greece, pp.157-166 , 2007. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 20%]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa., A. van der Hoek, J. White. PLA-based Runtime Dynamism in Support of Privacy-Enhanced Web Personalization In Proceedings of the 10th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC06), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, pp. 151-162, 2006. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 32%]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. Impacts of Privacy Laws and Regulations on Personalized Systems In Proceedings of the CHI06 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Montreal, Canada, 2006. [Workshop paper]

Y. Wang, A. Kobsa. A Software Product Line Approach for Handling Privacy Constraints in Web Personalization In Proceedings of the UM05 Workshop on Privacy-Enhanced Personalization, Edinburgh, UK, 2005. [Workshop paper]

Y. Wang Constraint-Sensitive Privacy Management for Personalized Web-based Systems In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on User Modeling (UM05), Edinburgh, UK, 2005. [Doctoral consortium paper]

Social Computing

Y. Wang, S. Mainwaring. Incentives in the Wild: Leveraging Virtual Currency to Sustain Online Community In Proceedings of iConference 2010, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 2010. [Conference paper]

S. M. Lindtner, S. Mainwaring, P. Dourish, Y. Wang. Situating Productive Play: Online Gaming Practices and Guanxi in China In Proceedings of the 12th IFIP Conf. Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT09), Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 328-341, 2009. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 27%]

S. M. Lindtner, B. Nardi, Y. Wang, S. Mainwaring, J. He, W. Liang. A Hybrid Cultural Ecology: World of Warcraft in China In Proceedings of The 21th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW08), San Diego, USA, pp. 371-382, 2008. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 23%]

Y. Wang, S. Mainwaring. “Human-Currency Interaction”: Learning from Virtual Currency Use in China In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI08), Florence, Italy, pp. 25-28, 2008. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 18%]

Y. Wang, S. Mainwaring. Ethnography at Play: An Exploratory Case Study of Chinese Users’ Experience in Online Games In Proceedings of the CHI08 Workshop on Evaluating User Experiences in Games, Florence, Italy, 2008. [Workshop paper]

N. M. Su, Y. Wang, G. Mark, T. Aieylokun, T. Nakano. A Bosom Buddy Afar Brings a Distant Land Near: Are Bloggers a Global Community? In Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Communities & Technologies (C&T05), Milano, Italy, pp. 171-190, 2005. [Conference paper, acceptance rate: 23%]

N. M. Su, Y. Wang, G. Mark. Politics as Usual in the Blogosphere In Proceedings of Social Intelligence Design: The 4th International Workshop, Stanford, USA, 2005. [Workshop paper]

Mobile Computing


Y. Huang, N. Venkatasubramanian and Y. Wang. MAPGrid: A New Architecture for Empowering Mobile Data Placement in Grid Environments In Proceedings of the IEEE CCGrid07 Workshop on Context-Awareness and Mobility in Grid Computing, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007. [Workshop paper]

Last modified: Tuesday, March 15, 2011