Uses of Class

Packages that use ParserException
org.htmlparser The basic API classes which will be used by most developers when working with the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.beans The beans package contains Java Beans using the HTML Parser. 
org.htmlparser.http The http package is responsible for HTTP connections to servers. 
org.htmlparser.lexer The lexer package is the base level I/O subsystem. 
org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina Extract the images behind thumbnail images. 
org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators The nodeDecorators package contains classes that use the Decorator pattern. 
org.htmlparser.nodes The nodes package has the concrete node implementations. 
org.htmlparser.parserapplications Example applications. 
org.htmlparser.sax The sax package implements a SAX (Simple API for XML) parser for HTML. 
org.htmlparser.scanners The scanners package contains classes responsible for the tertiary identification of tags. 
org.htmlparser.tags The tags package contains specific tags. 
org.htmlparser.tests This package contains testcases for the html package. 
org.htmlparser.tests.scannersTests This package contains testcases for the scanners package. 
org.htmlparser.tests.tagTests This package contains testcases for the tags package. 
org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests This package contains testcases for the util package. 
org.htmlparser.util Code which can be reused by many classes, is located in this package. 

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser

Methods in org.htmlparser that throw ParserException
 void Node.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the meaning of this tag.
 Text NodeFactory.createStringNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new text node.
 Remark NodeFactory.createRemarkNode(Page page, int start, int end)
          Create a new remark node.
 Tag NodeFactory.createTagNode(Page page, int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a new tag node.
 void Parser.setConnection( connection)
          Set the connection for this parser.
 void Parser.setURL(java.lang.String url)
          Set the URL for this parser.
 void Parser.setEncoding(java.lang.String encoding)
          Set the encoding for the page this parser is reading from.
 NodeIterator Parser.elements()
          Returns an iterator (enumeration) over the html nodes.
 NodeList Parser.parse(NodeFilter filter)
          Parse the given resource, using the filter provided.
 void Parser.visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Apply the given visitor to the current page.
 void Parser.setInputHTML(java.lang.String inputHTML)
          Initializes the parser with the given input HTML String.
 NodeList Parser.extractAllNodesThatMatch(NodeFilter filter)
          Extract all nodes matching the given filter.
 Node[] Parser.extractAllNodesThatAre(java.lang.Class nodeType)
          Deprecated. Use extractAllNodesThatMatch (new NodeClassFilter (cls)).
 void Parser.preConnect( connection)
          Called just prior to calling connect.
 void Parser.postConnect( connection)
          Called just after calling connect.

Constructors in org.htmlparser that throw ParserException
Parser( connection, ParserFeedback fb)
          Constructor for custom HTTP access.
Parser(java.lang.String resourceLocn, ParserFeedback feedback)
          Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file) You would typically create a DefaultHTMLParserFeedback object and pass it in.
Parser(java.lang.String resourceLocn)
          Creates a Parser object with the location of the resource (URL or file).
Parser( connection)
          Construct a parser using the provided URLConnection.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.beans

Methods in org.htmlparser.beans that throw ParserException
protected  NodeList FilterBean.applyFilters()
          Apply each of the filters.
protected[] LinkBean.extractLinks()
          Internal routine to extract all the links from the parser.
protected  java.lang.String StringBean.extractStrings()
          Extract the text from a page.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.http

Methods in org.htmlparser.http that throw ParserException ConnectionManager.openConnection( url)
          Opens a connection using the given url. ConnectionManager.openConnection(java.lang.String string)
          Opens a connection based on a given string.
 void ConnectionMonitor.preConnect( connection)
          Called just prior to calling connect.
 void ConnectionMonitor.postConnect( connection)
          Called just after calling connect.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.lexer

Methods in org.htmlparser.lexer that throw ParserException
 void InputStreamSource.setEncoding(java.lang.String character_set)
          Begins reading from the source with the given character set.
 Node Lexer.nextNode()
          Get the next node from the source.
 Node Lexer.nextNode(boolean quotesmart)
          Get the next node from the source.
protected  void Lexer.scanJIS(Cursor cursor)
          Advance the cursor through a JIS escape sequence.
protected  Node Lexer.parseString(int start, boolean quotesmart)
          Parse a string node.
protected  Node Lexer.makeString(int start, int end)
          Create a string node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node Lexer.parseTag(int start)
          Parse a tag.
protected  Node Lexer.makeTag(int start, int end, java.util.Vector attributes)
          Create a tag node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node Lexer.parseRemark(int start, boolean quotesmart)
          Parse a comment.
protected  Node Lexer.makeRemark(int start, int end)
          Create a remark node based on the current cursor and the one provided.
protected  Node Lexer.parseJsp(int start)
          Parse a java server page node.
 Node Lexer.parseCDATA()
          Return CDATA as a text node.
 Node Lexer.parseCDATA(boolean quotesmart)
          Return CDATA as a text node.
static void Lexer.main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Mainline for command line operation
 void Page.setConnection( connection)
          Set the URLConnection to be used by this page.
 char Page.getCharacter(Cursor cursor)
          Read the character at the given cursor position.
 void Page.setEncoding(java.lang.String character_set)
          Begins reading from the source with the given character set.
abstract  void Source.setEncoding(java.lang.String character_set)
          Set the encoding to the given character set.
 void StringSource.setEncoding(java.lang.String character_set)
          Set the encoding to the given character set.

Constructors in org.htmlparser.lexer that throw ParserException
Lexer( connection)
          Creates a new instance of a Lexer.
Page( connection)
          Construct a page reading from a URL connection.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina

Methods in org.htmlparser.lexerapplications.thumbelina that throw ParserException
protected[][] Thumbelina.extractImageLinks(Lexer lexer, docbase)
          Get the links of an element of a document.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodeDecorators that throw ParserException
 void AbstractNodeDecorator.doSemanticAction()

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.nodes

Methods in org.htmlparser.nodes that throw ParserException
 void AbstractNode.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the meaning of this tag.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.parserapplications

Methods in org.htmlparser.parserapplications that throw ParserException
protected  boolean SiteCapturer.isHtml(java.lang.String link)
          Returns true if the link contains text/html content.
protected  void SiteCapturer.process(NodeFilter filter)
          Process a single page.
 java.lang.String StringExtractor.extractStrings(boolean links)
          Extract the text from a page.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.sax

Methods in org.htmlparser.sax with parameters of type ParserException
 void Feedback.error(java.lang.String message, ParserException e)
          Error message.

Methods in org.htmlparser.sax that throw ParserException
protected  void XMLReader.doSAX(Node node)
          Process nodes recursively on the DocumentHandler.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.scanners

Methods in org.htmlparser.scanners that throw ParserException
 Tag CompositeTagScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Collect the children.
protected  void CompositeTagScanner.finishTag(Tag tag, Lexer lexer)
          Finish off a tag.
protected  Tag CompositeTagScanner.createVirtualEndTag(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, Page page, int position)
          Creates an end tag with the same name as the given tag.
 Tag Scanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan the tag.
static java.lang.String ScriptDecoder.Decode(Page page, Cursor cursor)
          Decode script encoded by the Microsoft obfuscator.
 Tag ScriptScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan for script.
 Tag StyleScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan for style definitions.
 Tag TagScanner.scan(Tag tag, Lexer lexer, NodeList stack)
          Scan the tag.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tags

Methods in org.htmlparser.tags that throw ParserException
 void BaseHrefTag.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the meaning of this tag.
 void MetaTag.doSemanticAction()
          Perform the META tag semantic action.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests that throw ParserException
 void FunctionalTests.testNumImageTagsInYahooWithoutRegisteringScanners()
          Based on a suspected bug report by Annette Doyle, to check if the no of image tags are correctly identified by the parser
 int FunctionalTests.countImageTagsWithHTMLParser()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers1()
          Test to ensure that the Tag being created by the CompositeTagScanner has the correct startLine and endLine information in the TagData it is constructed with.
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers2()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers3()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers4()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers5()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers6()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers7()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers8()
 void LineNumberAssignedByNodeReaderTest.testLineNumbers9()
 void ParserTest.testSwitchCharset()
          Test the case of a charset directive different than the HTTP header.
 void ParserTest.testDoubleQuotedCharset()
          Test the case of a double quoted charset directive.
 void ParserTest.testSingleQuotedCharset()
          Test the case of a single quoted charset directive.
 void ParserTest.testURLWithSpaces()
 void ParserTest.testLinkCollection()
 void ParserTest.testImageCollection()
 void ParserTest.testFixSpaces()
protected  void ParserTestCase.parse(java.lang.String response)
 void ParserTestCase.parseNodes()
 void ParserTestCase.parseAndAssertNodeCount(int nodeCountExpected)
 void PerformanceTest.beginTestWithoutScanners()
 void PerformanceTest.beginTestWithScanners()

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests.filterTests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests.filterTests that throw ParserException
 void FilterTest.testNodeClass()
          Test node class filtering.
 void FilterTest.testTagName()
          Test tag name filtering.
 void FilterTest.testString()
          Test string filtering.
 void FilterTest.testChild()
          Test child filtering.
 void FilterTest.testAttribute()
          Test attribute filtering.
 void FilterTest.testAnd()
          Test and filtering.
 void FilterTest.testOr()
          Test or filtering.
 void FilterTest.testNot()
          Test not filtering.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests.lexerTests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests.lexerTests that throw ParserException
 void AttributeTests.testSrcAndAlt()
          Test for lost attributes.
 void AttributeTests.testSrcAndEmptyAlt()
          see bug #778781 SRC-attribute suppression in IMG-tags
 void AttributeTests.testAltAndSrc()
          see bug #778781 SRC-attribute suppression in IMG-tags
 void AttributeTests.testEmptyAltAndSrc()
          see bug #778781 SRC-attribute suppression in IMG-tags
 void AttributeTests.testPredicates()
          see bug #911565 isValued() and isNull() don't work
 void AttributeTests.testSetQuote()
          see bug #911565 isValued() and isNull() don't work
 void AttributeTests.testNoSpace()
          see bug #979893 Not Parsing all Attributes
static void KitTest.main(java.lang.String[] args)
          Manline for the test.
 void LexerTests.testPureText()
          Test operation without tags.
 void LexerTests.testUnixEOL()
          Test operation with Unix line endings.
 void LexerTests.testDosEOL()
          Test operation with Dos line endings.
 void LexerTests.testEOF_EOL()
          Test operation with line endings near the end of input.
 void LexerTests.testTagStops()
          Test that tags stop string nodes.
 void LexerTests.testPureTag()
          Test operation with only tags.
 void LexerTests.testAttributedTag()
          Test operation with attributed tags.
 void LexerTests.testRemark()
          Test operation with comments.
 void LexerTests.testFidelity()
          Test the fidelity of the toHtml() method.
 void LexerTests.testJIS()
          Test case for bug #789439 Japanese page causes OutOfMemory Exception No exception is thrown in the current version of the parser, however, the problem is that ISO-2022-JP (aka JIS) encoding sometimes causes spurious tags.
 void LexerTests.testConjoined()
          See bug #825820 Words conjoined
 void LexerTests.testStackOverflow()
          Check for StackOverflow error.
 void LexerTests.testJsp()
          See bug #880283 Character ">" erroneously inserted by Lexer
 void LexerTests.testEscapedQuote()
          See bug #899413 bug in javascript end detection.
 void LexerTests.testCommentInScript()
          See bug #1227213 Particular SCRIPT tags close too late.
 void LexerTests.testUrlInStyle()
          See bug #1227213 Particular SCRIPT tags close too late.
 void PageTests.testNull()
          Test initialization with a null value.
 void PageTests.testURLConnection()
          Test initialization with a real value.
 void PageTests.test1()
 void PageTests.test2()
 void PageTests.test3()
 void PageTests.test4()
 void PageTests.test5()
 void PageTests.test6()
 void PageTests.test7()
 void PageTests.test8()
 void PageTests.test9()
 void PageTests.test10()
 void PageTests.test11()
 void PageTests.test12()
 void PageTests.test13()
 void PageTests.test14()
 void PageTests.test15()
 void PageTests.test16()
 void PageTests.test17()
 void PageTests.test18()
 void PageTests.test19()
 void PageTests.test20()
 void PageTests.test21()
 void PageTests.test22()
 void PageTests.test23()
 void PageTests.test24()
 void PageTests.test25()
 void PageTests.test26()
 void PageTests.test27()
 void PageTests.test28()
 void PageTests.test29()
 void PageTests.test30()
 void PageTests.test31()
 void PageTests.test32()
 void PageTests.test33()
 void PageTests.test34()
 void PageTests.test35()
 void PageTests.test36()
 void PageTests.test37()
 void PageTests.test38()
 void PageTests.test39()
 void PageTests.test40()
 void PageTests.test41()
 void TagTests.testTagWithCloseTagSymbolInAttribute()
 void TagTests.testTagWithOpenTagSymbolInAttribute()
 void TagTests.testTagWithSingleQuote()
 void TagTests.testMultiLine1()
          The following multi line test cases are from bug #725749 Parser does not handle < and > in multi-line attributes submitted by Joe Robins (zorblak)
 void TagTests.testMultiLine2()
 void TagTests.testMultiLine3()
 void TagTests.testMultiLine4()
 void TagTests.testMultiLine5()
          Test multiline tag like attribute.
 void TagTests.testMultiLine6()
          Test multiline broken tag like attribute.
 void TagTests.testMultiLine7()
          Test multiline split tag like attribute.
 void TagTests.testStandAloneToHTML()
          Test the toHTML method for a standalone attribute.
 void TagTests.testMissingValueToHTML()
          Test the toHTML method for a missing value attribute.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests.parserHelperTests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests.parserHelperTests that throw ParserException
 void CompositeTagScannerHelperTest.testIsXmlEndTagForRealXml()
 void CompositeTagScannerHelperTest.testIsXmlEndTagForFalseMatches()
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testRemarkBug()
          Test unparsed remark node.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testToPlainTextString()
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testToRawString()
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testNonRemark()
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testRemarkWithBlankLine()
          This is the simulation of bug report 586756, submitted by John Zook.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testRemarkWithNothing()
          This is the simulation of a bug report submitted by Claude Duguay.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testTagWithinRemark()
          Test tag within remark.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testInvalidTag()
          Bug reported by John Zook [594301], invalid remark nodes are accepted as remark nodes.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testDashesInComment()
          Bug reported by John Zook [594301] If dashes exist in a comment, they dont get added to the comment text
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testSingleComment()
          Test a comment declaration with a comment.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testDoubleComment()
          Test a comment declaration with two comments.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testEmptyComment()
          Test a comment declaration without any comments.
 void RemarkNodeParserTest.testExclamationComment()
          Test exclamation mark ending.
 void StringParserTest.testTextBug1()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the text Google is missed.
 void StringParserTest.testTextBug2()
          Test string containing link.
 void StringParserTest.testTagCharsInText()
          Bug reported by Roger Sollberger
For the following HTML : <a href="">[< ASGARD ></a><br> The string node is not correctly identified
 void StringParserTest.testToPlainTextString()
 void StringParserTest.testToHTML()
 void StringParserTest.testEmptyLines()
 void StringParserTest.testStringBeingMissedBug()
          This is a bug reported by John Zook (586222), where the first few chars before a remark is being missed, if its on the same line.
 void StringParserTest.testLastLineWithOneChar()
          Based on a bug report submitted by Cedric Rosa, if the last line contains a single character, Text does not return the string node correctly.
 void StringParserTest.testStringWithEmptyLine()

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests.scannersTests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests.scannersTests that throw ParserException
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testEmptyCompositeTag()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testEmptyCompositeTagAnotherStyle()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithOneTextChild()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithTagChild()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithAnotherTagChild()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testParseTwoCompositeTags()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testXmlTypeCompositeTags()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithNestedTag()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithTwoNestedTags()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testErroneousCompositeTag()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testErroneousCompositeTagWithChildren()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testErroneousCompositeTagWithChildrenAndLineBreak()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testTwoConsecutiveErroneousCompositeTags()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithErroneousAnotherTagAndLineBreak()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithErroneousAnotherTag()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithDeadlock()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagCorrectionWithSplitLines()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testCompositeTagWithSelfChildren()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testParentConnections()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testUrlBeingProvidedToCreateTag()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testComplexNesting()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testDisallowedChildren()
 void CompositeTagScannerTest.testInvalidNesting()
          Extracted from "" which has a lot of table columns with unclosed DIV tags because the closing DIV doesn't have a slash.
 void JspScannerTest.testScan()
          In response to bug report 621117, wherein jsp tags are not recognized if they occur within string nodes.
 void JspScannerTest.testUnclosedTagInsideJsp()
          Testcase submitted by Johan Naudts, demonstrating bug 717573, NullPointerException when unclosed HTML tag inside JSP tag
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScan()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanBug()
          Test javascript tag attributes.
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanBugWG()
          Test script code.
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanScriptWithLinks()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanScriptWithComments()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScriptTagComments()
          Submitted by Dhaval Udani - reproducing bug 664404
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScriptCodeExtraction()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScriptCodeExtractionWithMultipleQuotes()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScriptCodeExtractionWithNewlines()
          There was a bug in the ScriptScanner when there was multiline script and the last line did not have a newline before the end script tag.
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanNoEndTag()
          Tests a bug in ScriptScanner where a NPE would be thrown if the script tag was not closed before the document ended.
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanQuotedEndTag()
          See bug #741769 ScriptScanner doesn't handle quoted tags
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanScriptWithTagsInComment()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanScriptWithJavascriptLineEndings()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScanScriptWithTags()
 void ScriptScannerTest.testScriptsWithForm()
          See bug #839264 toHtml() parse error in Javascripts with "form" keyword Contributed by Ivan Wang (xj92wang)
 void ScriptScannerTest.testDecodeScript()
          See bug #902121 StringBean throws NullPointerException Contributed by Reza Motori (rezamotori)
 void ScriptScannerTest.testDecodePage()
          See bug #902121 StringBean throws NullPointerException Contributed by Reza Motori (rezamotori)
 void TagScannerTest.testTagExtraction()
 void XmlEndTagScanningTest.testSingleTagParsing()

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests.tagTests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests.tagTests that throw ParserException
 void AppletTagTest.testToHTML()
 void AppletTagTest.testScan()
 void AppletTagTest.testChangeCodebase()
 void AppletTagTest.testChangeArchive()
 void AppletTagTest.testChangeAppletClass()
 void AppletTagTest.testChangeAppletParams()
 void BaseHrefTagTest.testScan()
 void BaseHrefTagTest.testNotHREFBaseTag()
 void BodyTagTest.testToPlainTextString()
 void BodyTagTest.testToHTML()
 void BodyTagTest.testToString()
 void BodyTagTest.testSimpleBody()
 void BodyTagTest.testBodywithJsp()
 void BodyTagTest.testBodyMixed()
 void BodyTagTest.testBodyEnding()
 void BulletListTagTest.testScan()
 void BulletListTagTest.testMissingendtag()
 void BulletTagTest.testOutOfMemoryBug()
 void BulletTagTest.testNonEndedBullets()
 void CompositeTagTest.testDigupStringNode()
 void CompositeTagTest.testFindPositionOf()
 void DivTagTest.testScan()
 void DivTagTest.testInputInDiv()
          Test case for bug #735193 Explicit tag type recognition for CompositTags not working.
 void DoctypeTagTest.testToHTML()
 void DoctypeTagTest.DocTypeElementTest()
          See bug #833592 DOCTYPE element is not parsed correctly Contributed by Trevor Watson (t007).
 void EndTagTest.testToHTML()
 void EndTagTest.testEndTagFind()
 void FormTagTest.testScan()
 void FormTagTest.testScanFormWithLinks()
          Bug reported by Pavan Podila - forms with links are not being parsed Sample html is from google
 void FormTagTest.testScanFormWithComments()
          Bug 652674 - forms with comments are not being parsed
 void FormTagTest.testScanFormWithComments2()
          Bug 652674 - forms with comments are not being parsed
 void FormTagTest.testScanFormWithPreviousOpenLink()
          Bug 656870 - a form tag with a previously open link causes infinite loop on encounter
 void FormTagTest.testUnclosedOptions()
          See bug #745566 StackOverflowError on select with too many unclosed options.
 void FormTagTest.testSetFormLocation()
 void FormTagTest.testToPlainTextString()
 void FormTagTest.testSearchFor()
 void FormTagTest.testSearchForCaseSensitive()
 void FormTagTest.testSearchByName()
 void FrameSetTagTest.testToHTML()
 void FrameSetTagTest.testScan()
 void FrameTagTest.testToHTML()
 void FrameTagTest.testScan()
 void HeadTagTest.testSimpleHead()
 void HeadTagTest.testSimpleHeadWithoutEndTag()
 void HeadTagTest.testSimpleHeadWithBody()
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTag()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTagBug()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTageBug2()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTagSingleQuoteBug()
          This bug occurs when there is a null pointer exception thrown while scanning a tag using LinkScanner.
 void ImageTagTest.testNullImageBug()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<A HREF=>Something<A>
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void ImageTagTest.testToHTML()
 void ImageTagTest.testMapFollowImg()
          See bug #753003 within missed when followed by Not reproducible.
 void ImageTagTest.testEmptyStringElement()
          Test empty attribute.
 void ImageTagTest.testDynamicRelativeImageScan()
 void ImageTagTest.testExtractImageLocnInvertedCommasBug()
          This is the reproduction of a bug which causes a null pointer exception
 void ImageTagTest.testPlaceHolderImageScan()
          This test has been improved to check for params in the image tag, based on requirement by Annette Doyle.
 void ImageTagTest.testRelativeImageScan()
 void ImageTagTest.testRelativeImageScan2()
 void ImageTagTest.testRelativeImageScan3()
 void ImageTagTest.testImageWithSpaces()
          Test image url which contains spaces in it.
 void ImageTagTest.testImageWithNewLineChars()
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTagsFromYahoo()
          Test case to reproduce bug reported by Annette
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTagsFromYahooWithAllScannersRegistered()
          Test case to reproduce bug reported by Annette
 void ImageTagTest.testImageTagOnMultipleLines()
          This is the reproduction of a bug reported by Annette Doyle
 void ImageTagTest.testDirectRelativeLinks()
 void ImageTagTest.testMissingEqualTo()
          Based on a page submitted by Claude Duguay, the image tag has IMG SRC"somefile.jpg" - a missing equal to sign
 void InputTagTest.testToHTML()
 void InputTagTest.testToHTML2()
          Reproduction of bug report 663038
 void InputTagTest.testScan()
 void InputTagTest.testTable()
          Bug #923146 tag nesting rule too strict for forms
 void JspTagTest.testJspTag()
          Check if the JSP Tag is being correctly recognized.
 void JspTagTest.testToHtml()
          Check if the JSP Tag is being correctly recognized.
 void JspTagTest.testSpecialCharacters()
 void JspTagTest.testJspTagsInUnQuotedAttribes()
          See bug #772700 Jsp Tags are not parsed correctly when in quoted attributes.
 void JspTagTest.testJspTagsInQuotedAttribes()
          See bug #772700 Jsp Tags are not parsed correctly when in quoted attributes.
 void LabelTagTest.testSimpleLabels()
 void LabelTagTest.testLabelWithJspTag()
 void LabelTagTest.testLabelWithOtherTags()
 void LabelTagTest.testLabelWithManyCompositeTags()
 void LabelTagTest.testLabelsID()
 void LabelTagTest.testNestedLabels()
 void LabelTagTest.testNestedLabels2()
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeBug()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeBug2()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeBug3()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
When a url ends with a slash, and the link begins with a slash,the parser puts two slashes This bug was submitted by Roget Kjensrud Creation date: (6/17/2001 4:01:06 PM)
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeBug4()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
Simple url without index.html, doesent get appended to link This bug was submitted by Roget Kjensrud Creation date: (6/17/2001 4:01:06 PM)
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeBug5()
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeBugNullPointerException()
          This bug occurs when there is a null pointer exception thrown while scanning a tag using LinkScanner.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeMailtoBug()
          This bug occurs when there is a null pointer exception thrown while scanning a tag using LinkScanner.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkNodeSingleQuoteBug()
          This bug occurs when there is a null pointer exception thrown while scanning a tag using LinkScanner.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkTag()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkTagBug()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void LinkTagTest.testNullTagBug()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<A HREF=>Something<A>
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void LinkTagTest.testToPlainTextString()
 void LinkTagTest.testToHTML()
 void LinkTagTest.testTypeHttps()
 void LinkTagTest.testTypeFtp()
 void LinkTagTest.testTypeJavaScript()
 void LinkTagTest.testTypeHttpLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testRelativeTypeHttpLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testTypeNonHttp()
 void LinkTagTest.testTypeHttpLikeLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testMailToIsNotAHTTPLink()
          Test mail link.
 void LinkTagTest.testIrcIsNotAHTTPLink()
          Bug #784767 irc://server/channel urls are HTTPLike?
 void LinkTagTest.testAccessKey()
 void LinkTagTest.testErroneousLinkBug()
 void LinkTagTest.testErroneousLinkBugFromYahoo2()
          Test case based on a report by Raghavender Srimantula, of the parser giving out of memory exceptions.
 void LinkTagTest.testErroneousLinkBugFromYahoo()
          Test case based on a report by Raghavender Srimantula, of the parser giving out of memory exceptions.
 void LinkTagTest.testExtractLinkInvertedCommasBug2()
          This is the reproduction of a bug which produces multiple text copies.
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkSpacesBug()
          Bug pointed out by Sam Joseph ( Links with spaces in them will get their spaces absorbed
 void LinkTagTest.testMultipleLineBug()
          Bug reported by Raj Sharma,5-Apr-2002, upon parsing, the entire page could not be picked up.
 void LinkTagTest.testRelativeLinkScan()
 void LinkTagTest.testRelativeLinkScan2()
 void LinkTagTest.testRelativeLinkScan3()
 void LinkTagTest.testScan()
          Test scan with data which is of diff nodes type
 void LinkTagTest.testFreshMeatBug()
          A bug in the freshmeat page - really bad html tag - <A>Revision<\a> Reported by Mazlan Mat Note: Actually, this is completely legal HTML - Derrick
 void LinkTagTest.testBrokenLink()
          Test suggested by Cedric Rosa A really bad link tag sends parser into infinite loop
 void LinkTagTest.testLinkDataContents()
 void LinkTagTest.testBaseRefLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testQueryLink()
          This is a reproduction of bug 617228, reported by Stephen J.
 void LinkTagTest.testNotMailtoLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testMailtoLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testJavascriptLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testNotJavascriptLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testFTPLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testNotFTPLink()
 void LinkTagTest.testRelativeLinkNotHTMLBug()
 void LinkTagTest.testBadImageInLinkBug()
 void MetaTagTest.testToHTML()
 void MetaTagTest.testScan()
 void MetaTagTest.testScanTagsInMeta()
 void MetaTagTest.testMetaTagBug()
          Tried to reproduce bug 707447 but test passes
 void MetaTagTest.testMetaTagWithOpenTagSymbol()
          Bug report 702547 by Joe Robbins being reproduced.
 void ObjectCollectionTest.testSimpleSearch()
 void ObjectCollectionTest.testOneLevelNesting()
 void ObjectCollectionTest.testTwoLevelNesting()
 void OptionTagTest.testToHTML()
 void OptionTagTest.testToString()
 void OptionTagTest.testScan()
 void ScriptTagTest.testCreation()
 void ScriptTagTest.testToHTML()
 void ScriptTagTest.testToHTMLWG()
          Test raw string.
 void ScriptTagTest.testParamExtraction()
 void ScriptTagTest.testVariableDeclarations()
 void ScriptTagTest.testSingleApostropheParsingBug()
 void SelectTagTest.testToHTML()
 void SelectTagTest.testScan()
 void StyleTagTest.testToHTML()
 void StyleTagTest.testToHtmlAttributes()
          Reproducing a bug reported by Dhaval Udani relating to style tag attributes being missed
 void StyleTagTest.testScan()
 void StyleTagTest.testScanBug()
 void StyleTagTest.testScanBug2()
          This is a bug reported by Kaarle Kaaila.
 void StyleTagTest.testScanBug3()
          This is a bug reported by Dr.
 void StyleTagTest.testStyleChildren()
          See bug #900125 Style Tag Children not grouped
 void TableTagTest.testScan()
 void TableTagTest.testErroneousTables()
 void TableTagTest.testRecursionDepth()
          Test many unclosed tags (causes heavy recursion).
 void TableTagTest.testUnClosed1()
          See bug #742254 Nested & tags should not be allowed
 void TableTagTest.testUnClosed2()
          See bug #742254 Nested & tags should not be allowed
 void TableTagTest.testUnClosed3()
          See bug #742254 Nested & tags should not be allowed
 void TableTagTest.testOverFlow()
          See bug #750117 StackOverFlow while Node-Iteration Not reproducible.
 void TagTest.testBodyTagBug1()
          The bug being reproduced is this :
<BODY aLink=#ff0000 bgColor=#ffffff link=#0000cc onload=setfocus() text=#000000
vLink=#551a8b> The above line is incorrectly parsed in that, the BODY tag is not identified.
 void TagTest.testLargeTagBug()
          The following should be identified as a tag :
<MYTAG abcd\n"+ "efgh\n"+ "ijkl\n"+ "mnop> Creation date: (6/17/2001 5:27:42 PM)
 void TagTest.testNestedTags()
          Bug reported by Gordon Deudney 2002-03-15 Nested JSP Tags were not working
 void TagTest.testParseParameter3()
          Test parseParameter method Created by Kaarle Kaila (august 2001) the tag name is here G
 void TagTest.testParseParameterA()
          Test parseParameter method Created by Kaarle Kaila (august 2001) the tag name is here A (and should be eaten up by linkScanner)
 void TagTest.testParseParameterG()
          Test parseParameter method Created by Kaarle Kaila (august 2001) the tag name is here G
 void TagTest.testParseParameterSpace()
          Test parseParameter method Created by Kaarle Kaila (august 2002) the tag name is here A (and should be eaten up by linkScanner) Tests elements where = sign is surrounded by spaces
 void TagTest.testStrictParsing()
          Reproduction of a bug reported by Annette Doyle This is actually a pretty good example of dirty html - we are in a fix here, bcos the font tag (the first one) has an erroneous inverted comma.
 void TagTest.testToHTML()
 void TagTest.testWithoutParseParameter()
          Test parseParameter method Created by Kaarle Kaila (22 Oct 2001) This test just wants the text in the element
 void TagTest.testEmptyTagParseParameter()
          Test parseParameter method Created by Kaarle Kaila (09 Jan 2003) This test just wants the text in the element
 void TagTest.testStyleSheetTag()
 void TagTest.testBrokenTag()
          Bug report by Cedric Rosa, causing null pointer exceptions when encountering a broken tag, and if this has no further lines to parse
 void TagTest.testTagInsideTag()
 void TagTest.testIncorrectInvertedCommas()
 void TagTest.testIncorrectInvertedCommas2()
 void TagTest.testIncorrectInvertedCommas3()
 void TagTest.testEmptyTag()
          Ignore empty tags.
 void TagTest.testEmptyTag2()
          Ignore empty tags.
 void TagTest.testEmptyTag3()
          Ignore empty tags.
 void TagTest.testEmptyTag4()
          Ignore empty tags.
 void TagTest.testEmptyTag5()
          Ignore empty tags.
 void TagTest.testEmptyTag6()
          Ignore empty tags.
 void TagTest.testAttributesReconstruction()
 void TagTest.testIgnoreState()
 void TagTest.testSetText()
          See bug #726913 toHtml() method incomplete
 void TagTest.testTabText()
          From oyoaha
 void TagTest.testHTMLOutputOfDifficultLinksWithRegisterScanners()
          See bug #741026 registerScanners() mangles output HTML badly.
 void TagTest.testParameterChange()
          See bug #740411 setParsed() has no effect on output.
 void TextareaTagTest.testToHTML()
 void TextareaTagTest.testScan()
 void TitleTagTest.testToPlainTextString()
 void TitleTagTest.testToHTML()
 void TitleTagTest.testToString()
 void TitleTagTest.testScan()
 void TitleTagTest.testIncompleteTitle()
          Testcase to reproduce a bug reported by Cedric Rosa, on not ending the title tag correctly, we would get null pointer exceptions..
 void TitleTagTest.testDoubleTitleTag()
          If there are duplicates of the title tag, the parser crashes.
 void TitleTagTest.testNoEndTitleTag()
          Testcase based on Claude Duguay's report.
 void TitleTagTest.testTitleTagContainsJspTag()

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests

Methods in org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests that throw ParserException
 void BeanTest.testZeroArgPageConstructor()
 void BeanTest.testZeroArgLexerConstructor()
 void BeanTest.testZeroArgParserConstructor()
 void BeanTest.testSerializable()
 void BeanTest.testSerializableScanners()
 void BeanTest.testSerializableStringBean()
 void BeanTest.testSerializableLinkBean()
 void CharacterTranslationTest.Generate.parse( out)
          Pull out text elements from the HTML.
 void NonEnglishTest.testNonEnglishCharacters()

Constructors in org.htmlparser.tests.utilTests that throw ParserException
          Create a Generate object.

Uses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.util

Subclasses of ParserException in org.htmlparser.util
 class EncodingChangeException
          The encoding is changed invalidating already scanned characters.

Methods in org.htmlparser.util with parameters of type ParserException
 void DefaultParserFeedback.error(java.lang.String message, ParserException exception)
          Print an error message.
static void FeedbackManager.error(java.lang.String message, ParserException e)
 void ParserFeedback.error(java.lang.String message, ParserException e)

Methods in org.htmlparser.util that throw ParserException
 boolean IteratorImpl.hasMoreNodes()
          Check if more nodes are available.
 Node IteratorImpl.nextNode()
          Get the next node.
 boolean NodeIterator.hasMoreNodes()
          Check if more nodes are available.
 Node NodeIterator.nextNode()
          Get the next node.
 void NodeList.visitAllNodesWith(NodeVisitor visitor)
          Utility to apply a visitor to a node list.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.String[] tags)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.String[] tags, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.Class nodeType)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.Class nodeType, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String[] ParserUtils.splitTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Split the input string in a string array, considering the tags as delimiter for splitting.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.String[] tags)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.String[] tags, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.Class nodeType)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, java.lang.Class nodeType, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content.
static java.lang.String ParserUtils.trimTags(java.lang.String input, NodeFilter filter, boolean recursive, boolean insideTag)
          Trim all tags in the input string and return a string like the input one without the tags and their content (optional).
static Parser ParserUtils.createParserParsingAnInputString(java.lang.String input)
          Create a Parser Object having a String Object as input (instead of a url or a string representing the url location).