Research & Development Experience

Visualization interests. Enterprise information assurance, information warfare, adaptive interfaces, internet security, consumer investment interfaces, financial market data, enterprise data analysis, business-to-business interfaces.

Command Post of the Future (a DARPA project). Collaborating with MAYA Viz, Ltd. Coordinating insights from domain experts, visualization development, and experimental design. Participating in Command and Control University (C2U), a DARPA-sponsored program providing technologists with a basic understanding of battle command. Liaison between the technology providers and the domain experts. Application pending for Secret level clearance. Carnegie Mellon, 1999-present.

Exploratory data analysis. Developing theoretical framework for characterizing how people do exploratory data analysis with visualization tools. Experimental design/implementation in progress. Carnegie Mellon, 1998-present.

Visualization in modeling (Javascript or PDF). Doctoral research explored the cognitive role of visualization in modeling. Developed theoretical framework for modeling with visualization. Designed and built interactive groundwater modeling software with data collection module. Designed and carried out 12-participant experiment to assess theoretical framework using the groundwater modeling software. Videotaped experiments, transcribed and coded verbal protocols. Performed content analysis on transcripts and videotapes. Used statistical methods to analyze quantitative data. Rensselaer, 1995-1998.

Decision support system development. Co-developed decision support system to help reduce maritime deaths and injuries for U. S. Coast Guard. System analyzed and visualized varying combinations of factors with regard to outcome. Rensselaer, 1994-1995.

Emotion in disaster management. Analyzed videotaped interviews with local residents and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) response team members present during a wildfire-fighting incident in Alaska. Used word frequency analysis to compute emotion index of speech. Performed in-depth qualitative analysis to identify content themes. Rensselaer, 1993-1994.