25mm Fantasy and Sci-Fi Figures

Famous Mounted Knights & Kings

8401    Prince Valiant                      $9.95
8402    Crusader                            $9.95
8403    King Richard The Lion Hearted       $9.95
8404    Don Quixote                         $9.95
8405    Teutonic Knight                     $9.95
8406    Emperor Maximilian I                $9.95
8407    Great WarLord                       $9.95
8408    King Arthur                         $9.95
8409    The Black Knight                    $9.95
8410    Emperor Charlemagne                 $9.95
8411    Emperor Frederick "Barbarossa" I    $9.95
8412    Paladin                             $9.95

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Sets  $5.95

8500    Fantasy Shield Assortment (18)          
8501    Fantasy Weapons Assortment (24)
8502    Fantasy Treasure Assortment
8503    Alchemist's Artifacts
8504    Tables with separate Food, Wares, Accessories
8505    Torture Rack with Victims
8506    Female Warriors (5)
8507    Serving Girls (6)
8508    Skeletons (7)
8509    Priests & Clerics (7)
8510    Adventurers - Mage, Fighter, Thief, etc (6)
8511    Futuristic Assault HoverCraft (1/285 scale)
8512    Fantasy Familiars
8513    Sci-Fi  Small Arms Assortment
8514    Sci-Fi Field Accessories & Equipment
8515    Dead & Wounded Fantasy Casualties
8516    Sci-Fi Heavy Weapons Assortment
8517    Meditating Ninja with Weapons & Artifacts
8518    Tables set with Food & Drink
8519    Futuristic "Mech" Accessories (1/285 scale)
8520    Tracked "Mech" Recovery Unit (1/285 scale)
8521    Famous Detective's Desk & Study

Fantasy Dioramettes $5.95

8550    The Throne - with King, Executioner & Slave Girl
8551    Torture Rack with Victim & Torturers
8552    Wheel of Torment with Victim & Torturers 
8553    Wicked Witch, Table, Cauldron, & Familiar
8554    Merlin The Great Wizard, Altar & Accessories
8555    Alchemist, Work Table & Artifacts
8556    The Gallows, Hung Victim & Executioner
8557    Drunken Ghoulies with Beer Kegs
8558    Dwarf-Troll Raiding Party
8559    Dwarf-Troll Command Group

The Barbarian Feast  $5.95

8601    Barbarian King & Court
8602    Dancing Barbarians
8603    Feasting Barbarians
8604    Barbarian Slave Girls
8605    Barbarian Fighters
8606    Food, Tables & Accessories

Fantasy Dragons & Monsters  $5.95 (or as marked)

8700    DRAGON TAMERS (Girl Tamers w Whips)    
8701    UP BOY Dragon 
8702    DOWN BOY Dragon 
8703    ROLL OVER BOY Dragon    
8704    FUNKY CHICKEN Dragon
8705    TWO-HEADED Dragon
8706    SALAMANDER Dragon
8707    SILVER Dragon with Dragon Rider               $11.95
8750    Giant Protective Gargoyle on Monolithic Tomb
8799    Up,Down,Over Set (with Dragon Tamers)         $19.95

Individual Fantasy & Adventure Gaming Figures ($1.95 each)

8601    White Wizard    
8602    Grim Reaper     
8603    Elf Mage        
8604    Olde Wizard
8605    Witch & Familiar        
8606    Prince Valiant
8607    Wicked Witch    
8608    Horrible Haggard        
8609    Horrible's Wife         
8610    Baby Unicorn
8611    Fantasy Castle  
8612    Royal Axeman
8613    Dragon Slayer   
8614    The Queen
8615    Evil Sorcerer   
8616    Samurai Warrior         
8617    Wizard & Familiar       
8618    Female Elf Mage
8619    King Arthur     
8620    Giant Eagle
8621    The Kiss        
8622    Conan the Barbarian
8623    Two-Fisted Fighter      
8624    Evil Alchemist  
8625    Medieval Warlord        
8626    Shogun
8627    Viking Warrior  
8628    Berserker Knight
8629    Beer Drinking Knight    
8630    Baby Dragon 
8631    Fire Elemental          
8632    Earth Elemental
8633    Water Elemental 
8634    Air Elemental

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Last Modified: February 16, 1998 by Thomas Pope