FeatureSet method: read

FeatureSet method: read

Syntax: <feature set> read <feature1> [<feature2> [...]] <filename> [-flags value]


   fs  read A C file.feat
   fs  read B   file.feat -from 10 -to 20

Example2: fs read F file.feat

One or more FMatrix features are created by reading the data from a file. If the feature file was written with a header the features can be selected by using the name as given in the header (Example1: names were also used when the feature file was written). If only one feature name is used and it differs from all names given in the header each frame of the new feature will contain the coefficients of the corresponding frames of all the features in the file.

Optional flags:

-from <frame>
Read starting with framenumber <frame>.
-to <frame>
Read until and including framenumber <frame>.

The rest of the flags are not necessary for feature files with a header. If they are used although there is a header they will overwrite this information.
-c <coefN>
Number of coefficients in the file. The number of frames is then determined by the byte mode (see -bm) and the file length.
-sh <shift>
The new feature(s) will have a <shift> ms frameshift.
-sr <rate>
The new feature(s) will have the sampling rate <rate> kHz.
-bm <m = 1, 2 or 4>
The coefficients can be stored in different formats. If <m> is 4 they are stored as floats in the file. With <m> = 1 coefficients ranging from 0.0 to 1.0 can be stored in one byte (floatbytes). Coefficients with other values will be truncated. Using <m> = 2 (scaled vectors) coefficients with arbitrary range can be stored as bytes because additional scaling values are stored for every 'channel'. Note that there is a quantization error for the formats 1 and 2.
Related commands: write one or more features from a file.
