Dr. Bob's Random Contra Hall of Fame
I called
this dance
at the
Edgewood Club
in Pittsburgh on 22 January 1999.
This may have been the first time a computer-generated contra dance was ever called (or maybe not).
(I did change the "Box the Gnat with Neighbor" to a "Swat the Flea" (the mirror-image, left-handed move) on advice from my beta-testers, who felt this was legitimate, since callers change dances all the time. Also the pass right then becomes a pass left, and it actually becomes a pretty cool wierd little dance.)
Modern Western Square Dance generator
was built at MIT in the 70s, and the dances from it apparently were tried out.
random contra dance
called in Surrey, England,
on 3 February 1999!
As of Spring 2001, Prof. Donna Jo Napoli, Prof. and Chair of Linguistics, Swarthmore College, was using this Random Contra Dance generator in her class Linguistics 57: Movement and Cognition (cross-listed as Math 007 and Dance 076). Cool, huh?!
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Random Contra Dance Generator
Bob Frederking, ref+@cs.cmu.edu