Material and Preparation


  1. 2 3”-diameter high density foam ball
  2. 3 sheet of styrene (18"x18"x1/8")
  3. 120 ¼”-diameter, 1/10” thick round magnets
  4. 1 1 ½”-diameter slinky
  5. duct tape
  6. fishing wire
  7. 1 sheet pinewood (12"x12"x1/8")
  8. 1 sheet Fun Foam (12"x12")


  1. We cut the two foam balls into four halves using a band saw in the Sophomore I.D. shop.
  2. We sandpapered them so that hemispherical surfaces are as smooth as possible.
  3. Leaving two halves aside, we traced the circumference of the other two halves on a 8”x15” piece of wood and drilled 1/8” holes around each circles. (These holes are for the purpose of vacuum forming)
  4. We stationed the two halves concentric to the two circles with masking tape.

Introduction | Material and Preparation | Vacuum-Forming Machine | Laser Cutting | Assembly of Ball | Assembly of Gloves | Final Product

KinHang Leung
Asa Berg
Brian Mizrahi
Carnegie Mellon University
March 2, 2010