Scientific Computing Links
Books That I Recommend
Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelet Transforms: A Primer,
Sidney Burrus, Ramesh Gopinath, and Haitao Guo, 1998.
Good introductory wavelets textbook.
The World According to
Wavelets: The Story of a Mathematical Technique in the Making, Barbara
Burke Hubbard. A very accessible book on the history and applications
of wavelets. Not the best book to learn about the details of their
mathematics or algorithms, however.
Numerical Analysis,
2nd edition, David Kincaid and Ward Cheney. One of the best textbooks
on numerical analysis (which is a subtopic of scientific computing, more
focused on error analysis and derivation of algorithms than on their
Matrix Computations,
Gene Golub and Charles van Loan, The bible on algorithms for solving
linear systems and eigenvalue problems (subtopics of scientific
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra, James Demmel,
More focused and more current than
Golub's book. Does a nice job of comparing algorithms.
The Geometry Toolbox for Graphics and Modeling,
Gerald Farin and Dianne Hansford, Not really a
scientific computing book. The best presentations I've seen of
geometric explanations and intuition for matrices, eigenvalues,
and other
linear algebra concepts. Aimed at freshman/sophomore undergrad level,
but useful for anyone who uses this stuff.
A Multigrid Tutorial,
2nd edition, William L. Briggs, Van Emden Henson,
Steve F. McCormick. Best book on this particular way of solving
certain PDE & linear systems. Multigrid methods are extremely fast,
when they work, but they're not applicable to all problems.
Ordinary Differential Equations, V. I. Arnold.
Not numerically oriented, but has great
sketches of diff. eq's.
Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes,
George F. Simmons.
An excellent textbook, also not numerically oriented.
Other Books, That I Don't Know So Well
Courses Related to Scientific Computing at Carnegie Mellon University
Computer Science Dept.:
Algorithms in the Real World,
Guy Blelloch and Bruce Maggs.
of CS Dept. graduate courses, Fall 2000
Robotics Institute:
16-811, Math
Fundamentals for Robotics, Mike Erdmann
Math Dept.:
Current offerings
Grad course descriptions,
(see Numerical Methods, Numerical Analysis, Finite Element Methods,
Numerical Solution of ...)
Tutuncu teaches optimization. Ta'asan does multigrid.
Civil and Environmental
Engineering Dept.:
Omar Ghattas
Electrical and Computer
Engineering Dept.
(see Linear System Theory, Circuit Simulation, and
Mechanical Engineering Dept.
Physics Dept..
Mike Levine
teaches courses in Computational Physics. See
physics course list.
Biology Dept.,
(look for "Computational" in course title).
Faculty in
computational biology & chemistry
Dept. of Material Science
and Eng.
Courses on Scientific Computing outside Carnegie Mellon University
Indiana U's Introduction to
Scientific Computing,
undergrad course
Stanford's CS 137,
Introduction to Scientific Computing,
undergrad, Chen Greif
MIT's 18.337, Parallel
Scientific Computing,
grad, Alan Edelman,
1996 version
U. of Utah's CS 5210,
Advanced Methods in Scientific Computing I,
Chris Johnson
Sweden's Uppsala
University, Department of Scientific Computing
SUNY Brockport's CPS 101
Introduction to Computational Science,
undergrad, web-based, Osman
U. of Queensland's
MN309, Advanced Numerical Analysis,
Graeme Chandler, good book list
U. of Maryland's
MAPL/CMSC661 Scientific Computing II,
Jian-Guo Liu, good book list
U of California, Berkeley's
Meshing and Triangulation in Graphics Engineering, and Modeling,
Jonathan Shewchuk
U of California, Irvine's
Mesh Generation for Graphics and Scientific Computation,
David Eppstein
Other Scientific Computing Info
Scientific Computing &
Numerical Methods, General
Numerical Analysis Digest,
web-based newsletter, lots of info!,
Finland mirror
Numerical Analysis & Associated
Fields Resource Guide,
Steve Sullivan,
nice, big annotated book
University of Utah Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
Jim Demmel,
UC Berkeley
Stanford's Scientific Computing /
Computational Mathematics Program,
Golub et al.,
courses and book list
MIT Fluid Dynamics Research Lab,
Jaime Peraire et al. (aerodynamics)
Olivier Pironneau
Sweden's University of
Linkoping Mathematics Resources,
large list of links to software,
other web pages
Scientific Computing World,
SC business news, rather slick
German Scientific Computing Home Page
Computational Geometry
The survey paper
Mesh Generation,
Marshall Bern and David Eppstein,
Handbook of Computational Geometry, Elsevier, 2000,
is available
at Shewchuck's site
(The copy I distributed in class 12/7,
from Eppstein,
seems to be older.)
David Eppstein's
Geometry In Action
(computational geometry applications) and
Geometry Junkyard
(computational geometry theory & exotica),
excellent link collections
Geometry Pages,
Jeff Erickson, excellent link collection
15-859B, Introduction to Scientific Computing
Paul Heckbert, Nov. 2000