Package edu.cmu.cs.pattis.cs151xx.orderedCollections

Interface Summary
OrderedCollection<E> The root interface in the ordered collection hierarchy.

Class Summary
AbstractOrderedCollection<E> This class provides a skeletal implementation of the OrdredCollection interface to minimize the effort required to implement this interface backed by a "random access" data store (such as an array).
AbstractPriorityQueue<E> This class extends a skeletal implementation of AbstractOrderedCollection with the equals method.
AbstractQueue<E> This class extends a skeletal implementation of AbstractOrderedCollection with the equals method.
AbstractStack<E> This class extends a skeletal implementation of AbstractOrderedCollection with the equals method.
ArrayPriorityQueue<E> This class implements the OrderedCollection interface with priority queue behavior: highest priority out.
ArrayQueue<E> This class implements the OrderedCollection interface with FIFO behavior: first in/first out.
ArrayStack<E> This class implements the OrderedCollection interface with LIFO behavior: last in/first out.
ArrayUnsortedPriorityQueue<E> This class implements the OrderedCollection interface with priority queue behavior: highest priority out.
LinkedQueue<E> This class implements the OrderedCollection interface with FIFO behavior: first in/first out.
LinkedStack<E> This class implements the OrderedCollection interface with LIFO behavior: last in/first out.