Neil Heffernan's Home page
Click here to go to my Algebra Tutoring web site
I was a graduate student in the Ph.D. program in Computer Science. I graduated
in May, 2001.
I was then a post-doc with Ken
Koedinger in the Human-Computer
Interaction Institute.
I now am a professor at Computer
Science Department at Worcester Polytechnic
My research goal involves using artificial intelligence
and cognitive science to design software for helping students learn
more effectively.
I am organizing The Learning Open.
Bio-sketch (2001): Who is Neil?
Job Market
I was on the job market but have now accepted a tenure-track position in the Computer Science
Department of Worcester Polytechnic
Institute. (Started Summer of 2002)
My CV/resume from 2001- updated version available by request
My Research Statement
and my Teaching Statement
Grants and Research Publications
My Ph. D. advisers were Ken
Koedinger and John Anderson. My other committee members were Jaime
Carbonell, Kurt VanLehn and Herbert Simon (deceased).
is my former advisor's spin off company that markets some of research that has
come out of the Pittsburgh Advanced Cognitive Tutors Center. Recently,
Carnegie Learning Licensed Ms Lindquist.
My email is my first name with