10-425 + 10-625, Fall 2023
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
This schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please check back often.
Date | Lecture | Readings | Announcements |
Theory I: Fundamentals |
Mon, 28-Aug | Lecture 1
Overview of optimization [Notes] |
Wed, 30-Aug | Lecture 2
Overview of optimization / Convex Sets [Notes] |
Fri, 1-Sep |
Mon, 4-Sep |
Labor Day |
Wed, 6-Sep | Lecture 3
Convex sets [Notes] |
HW1 out (L1-L4)
Fri, 8-Sep | Lecture 4
Convex functions [Notes] |
Mon, 11-Sep |
Recitation: HW1 |
Wed, 13-Sep | Lecture 5
Convex functions / Smoothness [Notes] |
Algorithms I: First-order methods |
Fri, 15-Sep | Lecture 6
Strong convexity / Optimality conditions [Notes] |
Sun, 17-Sep |
HW1 due
Mon, 18-Sep | Lecture 7
Gradient descent [Notes] |
Wed, 20-Sep | Lecture 8
Convergence of gradient descent [Notes] |
Quiz 1 (in-class) HW2 out (L5-L8)
Fri, 22-Sep |
Recitation: HW2 |
Mon, 25-Sep | Lecture 9
Convergence of GD / Subgradients [Notes] |
Wed, 27-Sep | Lecture 10
The subgradient method [Notes] |
Fri, 29-Sep |
(No Recitation) |
Sun, 1-Oct |
HW2 due
Mon, 2-Oct | Lecture 11
Projected gradient descent [Notes] |
HW3 out (L9-L12)
Wed, 4-Oct | Lecture 12
Stochastic gradient descent [Notes] |
(Quiz 2 in-class)
Fri, 6-Oct |
Recitation: HW3 |
Mon, 9-Oct | Lecture 13
Convergence of SGD [Notes] |
Theory II: Duality |
Wed, 11-Oct | Lecture 14
Duality in linear programs [Notes] |
(Quiz 3 in-class)
Thu, 12-Oct |
HW3 due
Fri, 13-Oct |
(No Recitation) |
Mon, 16-Oct |
Fall break |
Tue, 17-Oct |
Wed, 18-Oct |
Fall break |
Thu, 19-Oct |
Fri, 20-Oct |
Fall break |
Mon, 23-Oct | Lecture 15
Lagrangian duality [Notes] |
HW4 out (L13-L16)
Algorithms II: Second-order methods |
Wed, 25-Oct | Lecture 16
Newton's method / Log-barrier method [Notes] |
Fri, 27-Oct |
Recitation: HW4 |
Mon, 30-Oct | Lecture 17
Newton's method analysis [Notes] |
Wed, 1-Nov | Lecture 18
Quasi-Newton methods / KKT conditions [Notes] |
(Quiz 4 in-class)
Thu, 2-Nov |
Fri, 3-Nov |
(No Recitation) |
HW4 due
Mon, 6-Nov |
(Lecture cancelled) |
Wed, 8-Nov |
In-class Exam |
Project description out
Fri, 10-Nov |
(Discussions with instructor about project ideas) |
Algorithms III: Advanced methods |
Mon, 13-Nov | Lecture 19
Proximal gradient descent [Notes] |
Project team formation due by 2pm
Wed, 15-Nov | Lecture 20
Momentum / Nesterov Acceleration [Notes] |
Thu, 16-Nov |
Project proposal due
Fri, 17-Nov |
Sat, 18-Nov |
HW625 out
Mon, 20-Nov | Lecture 21
Adaptive gradient methods / Mirror Descent / AdaGrad [Notes] |
(Quiz 5 in-class)
Wed, 22-Nov |
Thanksgiving Holiday- No class |
Thu, 23-Nov |
Thanksgiving Holiday- No class |
Fri, 24-Nov |
Thanksgiving Holiday- No class |
Mon, 27-Nov | Lecture 22
Adaptive gradient methods / RMSProp / Adam / Regret minimization [Notes] |
Wed, 29-Nov |
(Lecture rescheduled to Friday) |
Thu, 30-Nov |
Project checkpoint due
Fri, 1-Dec | Lecture 23
Online gradient descent / Parallel and distributed SGD [Notes] |
Nonconvex optimization |
Mon, 4-Dec | Lecture 24
Parallel and distributed SGD / (Nearly)-convex optimization [Notes] |
HW625 due
Wed, 6-Dec | Lecture 25
Theories of non-convex optimization / Special topics: Optimization and ML [Notes] |
Fri, 8-Dec |
Sun, 10-Dec |
Project poster due
Tue, 12-Dec |
Project Final Presentations (details will be announced on Piazza) |
Wed, 13-Dec |
Project final report due