16-350 Planning Techniques for Robotics

Planning is one of the core components that enable robots to be autonomous. Robot planning is responsible for deciding in real-time what the robot should do next, how to do it, where the robot should move next and how to move there. This class does an in-depth study of popular planning techniques in robotics and examines their use in ground and aerial robots, humanoids, mobile manipulation platforms and multi-robot systems. The students learn the theory of these methods and also implement them in a series of programming-based projects.

To take the class students should have a good knowledge of programming and data structures.

Spring 2023 Course Information



Class meetings: Mondays, Wednesdays, 2:00-3:20PM, GHC 4211


Who Email
Maxim Likhachev

Teaching Assistants

Who Email
Manuj Trehan

Office Hours

Who Location Hours
Manuj NSH A507 Mon 4-5PM and Thu 11:30-12:30PM
Maxim NSH 3211 By appointment


The criteria used to compute the final grade will consist of a combination of scores obtained on the exam, three programming assignments (homeworks), pop quizzes, final project and class participation:

Three homeworks 33%
Exam 20%
In-class pop quizzes 10%
Final project 32%
Participation 5%

Each student has a total of 3 free late days that may be used as needed for homeworks. No late days may be used for the final project!
Additional details: A late day is defined as a 24-hour period after the deadline. After the free late days are used up, each additional late day will incur a 10% penalty on the maximum achievable score with an upper limit on the penalty of 50%. For example, if the assignment is worth 100 points and you score is 80, then you actual score will be 72 if you have 1 additional late day, 64 if you have 2 additional late days, etc.

Class lectures/notes:

Tentative schedule for the class (PDF)

Date Topic Slides Homeworks Additional Info
1/18 (Wed) Introduction, What is Robot Planning? slides
1/23 (Mon) Planning Representations: Skeleton- and Grid-based Graphs, Explicit vs. Implicit Graphs slides
1/25 (Wed) Search Algorithms: Uninformed A* Search slides
1/30 (Mon) Search Algorithms: A* Search, Multi-goal A* slides
2/1 (Wed) Search Algorithms: Heuristics, Backward A*, Weighted A* Search slides
2/6 (Mon) Interleaving Planning and Execution: Anytime Heuristic Search slides
2/8 (Wed) Interleaving Planning and Execution: Incremental Heuristic Search slides
2/13 (Mon) Interleaving Planning and Execution: Real-time Heuristic Search slides
2/15 (Wed) Planning Representations: Lattice-based Graphs slides
2/20 (Mon) Case Study: Planning for Autonomous Driving slides
2/22 (Wed) Planning Representations: Probabilistic Roadmaps for Continuous Spaces slides
2/27 (Mon) Planning Representations/Search Algorithms: RRT, RRT-Connect, RRT* slides
3/1 (Wed) Planning Representations/Search Algorithms: RRT, RRT-Connect, RRT* (cont'd) -
3/13 (Mon) Case Study: Planning for Mobile Manipulators and Articulated Robots slides
3/15 (Wed) Search Algorithms: Markov property, independent vs. dependent variables
3/20 (Mon) Case Study: Planning for Coverage, Mapping and Surveyal slides
3/22 (Wed) Planning Representations: Symbolic Representation for Task Planning slides
3/27 (Mon) Search Algorithms: Planning on Symbolic Representations (guest lecture by Alex LaGrassa) slides
3/29 (Wed) Presentation of Final Project Proposals
4/3 (Mon) Search Algorithms: Planning on Symbolic Representations (cont'd) -
4/5 (Wed) Planning under Uncertainty: Minimax Formulation slides
4/10 (Mon) NO CLASS -
4/12 (Wed) Planning under Uncertainty: Expected Value Formulation slides
4/17 (Mon) Exam -
4/19 (Wed) Planning under Uncertainty: Solving Markov Decision Processes slides
4/24 (Mon) Multi-Robot Planning slides