
Meeting Summaries and Slides

Participants statistics do not guarantee to include non-members.

Apr 5, 2002 (NSH 4513), 1530-1700:
Participants (9): Ralf Brown, Krzysztof Czuba, Robert Frederking, Benjamin Han, Alon Lavie, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Erik Peterson, Katharina Probst, Klaus Zechner

Slides: Semi-automatic learning of syntactic transfer rules for machine translation (Katharina Probst)
Track: Grammar Induction (T2)

Mar 15, 2002 (NSH 4513), 1530-1700:
Participants (12): Rachel Chung, Robert Frederking, Benjamin Han, Yi-fen Huang, Alon Lavie, Lori Levin, Wei-hao Lin, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Brian MacWhinney, Katharina Probst, Kenji Sagae, Klaus Zechner

Slides: Rethinking the Logical Problem of Language Acquisition (Brian MacWhinney)
Track: Cognitive Science Perspective (P2)

Feb 22, 2002 (NSH 4513), 1500-1630:
Participants (7): Kevyn Collins-Thompson, Benjamin Han, Alon Lavie, Brian MacWhinney, Christian Monson, Kenji Sagae, Klaus Zechner

Track: Lexical Acquisition (T1)

July 5, 2001 (NSH 2619), 1630-1830:
Participants (7): Harold C Daume, Benjamin Han, Thomas K Harris, Lori Levin, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Kenji Sagae, Klaus Zechner

Slides: Language Learning in Optimality Theory (Harold C Daume)
Track: Linguistic Perspective (P3)

May 24, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (9): Ralf Brown, Robert Frederking, Benjamin Han, Guy Lebanon, Ariadna Font Llitjos, William Morgan, Erik Peterson, Kenji Sagae, Klaus Zechner

Slides: Learning to Read a Non-alphabetic Script - Chinese (Erik Peterson)
Track: Cognitive Science Perspective (P2)

May 10, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (11): Ralf Brown, Harold Daume, Benjamin Han, Gal Kaminka, Guy Lebanon, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Katharina Probst, Pat Riley, Kenji Sagae, Janyce Wiebe, Theresa Wilson

Slides: Grammar induction by Bayesian model merging (Guy Lebanon)
Track: Grammar Induction (T2)

Apr. 26, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (6): Harold Daume, Benjamin Han, Michael Kohlhase, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Kenji Sagae, Mandy Simons

Slides: Learning Language in Logic (Michael Kohlhase)
Track: Knowledge representation/inferences for LA (T4)

Apr. 19, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (10): Benjamin Han, Mihoko Hasegawa, Lori Holt, Michael Kohlhase, Kornel Laskowski, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Katharina Probst, Kenji Sagae, Alicia Tribble, Klaus Zechner

Slides: Listening to the animals: What nonhuman models can tell us about the role of experience in the development of speech perception (Lori Holt)
Track: Cognitive Science Perspective (P2)

Apr. 6, 2001 (NSH 3002), 1400-1530:
Participants (9): Matthias Denecke, Robert Frederking, Benjamin Han, Chad Langley, Alon Lavie, Lori Levine, Teruko Mitamura, Klaus Zechner, Joy Zhang

Slides: Identifying Clues of Evaluation and Speculation in Text (Janyce Wiebe)
Track: Discourse/Pragmatics Learning (T3)

Mar. 30, 2001 (NSH 3002), 1400-1530:

Topic: Information Acess to Oral Communication (Klaus Ries, only accessible from CMU and Pitt - please do not cite and distribute)
Track: Discourse/Pragmatics Learning (T3)

Mar. 8, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (5): Rachel Chung, Benjamin Han, William Morgan, Kenji Sagae, Joy Zhang

Slides: Language Learnability (Benjamin Han)
Track: Grammar Induction (T2)

Feb. 22, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (14): Rachel Chung, Harold Daume, Robert Frederking, Jennifer Ganger, Benjamin Han, Mihoko Hasegawa, Guy Lebanon, Ariadna Font Llitjos, William Morgan, Klaus Ries, Kenji Sagae, Natasha Tokowicz, Klaus Zechner, Joy Zhang

Slides: How Children Acquire Meanings of Nouns and Verbs (Rachel Chung)
Track: Lexical Acquisition (T1)

Feb. 1, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1630-1830:
Participants (14): Dan Bohus, Rachel Chung, Robert Frederking, Benjamin Han, Michael Kohlhase, Alon Lavie, Guy Lebanon, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Eric Nyberg, Katharina Probst, Klaus Ries, Kenji Sagae, Klaus Zechner, Joy Zhang

Slides: Computational Approaches to Parameter-Setting Models of Language Acquisition (Eric Nyberg)
Track: Linguistic Perspective (P3)

Jan. 30, 2001 (NSH 2602), 1500-1630 (special meeting):
Participants (12): Dan Bohus, Matthias Denecke, Benjamin Han, Chad Langley, Alon Lavie, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Erik Peterson, Klaus Ries, Tanja Schultz, Alicia Tribble, Alex Waibel, Joy Zhang

Topic: Semantic Information Process of Spoken Language (Allen Gorin, AT&T Research)

Jan. 18, 2001 (NSH 4513), 1500-1630:
Participants (16): Rachel Chung, Harold C Daume, Laura Gonnerman, Benjamin Han, Michael Kohlhase, Alon Lavie, Guy Lebanon, Ariadna Font Llitjos, Erik Peterson, Katharina Probst, Klaus Ries, Kenji Sagae, Tanja Schultz, Natasha Tokowicz, Alicia Tribble, Joy Zhang


  1. Overview of LARG in Spring 2001 (Ben)
  2. Overview of Language Acquisition and Bilingualism (Natasha)
Track: Cognitive Science Perspective (P2)

Dec. 19, 2000 (NSH 2609), 1550-1600 (Pre-meeting):
Participants (4): Matthias Denecke, Benjamin Han, Katharina Probst, Natasha Tokowicz
  1. Confirming the length and frequency: LARG will be a 2-hour bi-weekly meeting.
  2. There will be 2 invited talks, tentatively scheduled in March (from SCS) and April (from Psychology).
  3. Copying the reading material: For the material available online the participants should be able to download from the LARG website. For the other material which only exists in paper form, this is still undecided.
  4. Regarding adding/removing subject areas: the removal of Discourse Learning was rejected.
  5. Coherence of the presentation: The first round of the presentations (5 in total) will be at introduction level in order to get everyone up to speed. Questionnaires will be sent out to probe the expertise of the participants in each of the 5 subject areas to decide the speakers (could be jointly presented).
  6. The exact schedule of the 1st meeting in Spring 2001 is still undecided; again questionnaires will be sent out to collect the bad time slots for the participants.
  7. Natasha from Psychology recommended several prospective participants from Pitt.

Mailing List Archive

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The official LARG mailing list has been activated. If you have received this message, you are already subscribed. The main purpose of this list is to broadcast general announcements about the Language Acquisition Reading Group to all of its members.

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