
Stephan Kerpedjiev


M. Chuah, S. Roth, and S. and Kerpedjiev. Sketching, Searching, and Customizing Visualizations: A Content-based Approach to Design Retrieval. In M. Meybury (ed.), Intelligent Multimedia Information Retrieval. AAAI/MIT, 1997, 83-111.

P.Barnev, S.Kerpedjiev. Basic Notions in Informatics. Dr. Peter Beron, Sofia, 1988, in Bulgarian.


Subramaniam, S. and S. Kerpedjiev, Dissemination of Weather Information to Emergency Managers: A Decision Support Tool, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management , Volume 45, Number 02, May 1998, 106-114.

Kerpedjiev, S., Carenini, G., Roth, S. F., and Moore, J. D. AutoBrief: a multimedia presentation system for assisting data analysis, Computer Standards and Interfaces, Volume 18, 1997, 583-593.

Roth, S. F., Chuah, M. C., Kerpedjiev, S., Kolojejchick, J. A., and Lucas, P. Towards an Information Visualization Workspace: Combining Multiple Means of Expression. Human-Computer Interaction Journal, Volume 12, Numbers 1 & 2, 1997, 131-185.

S. Kerpedjiev. Model-driven Assertion Based Generation of Multimedia Weather Information. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, Vol. 76, No. 10, October 1995, 1791-1800.

M. Dobreva, S. Kerpedjiev. Automatic Conversion of Encyclopedia Entries into a Hypertext. SERDICA Bulg. math. public., Vol.18, 1992, 206-214.

S. Kerpedjiev. Transformation of Weather Forecasts from Textual to Cartographic Form, Computer Physics Communications , Vol.61, 1990, 246-256.

S.Kerpedjiev. Analysis of Specialized Texts - a Survey of Ten Projects. Automatics, Computers and Automated Systems, No 4, 1990, 33-44, in Bulgarian.

S.Kerpedjiev. A Technique of Automatic Data Extraction from Specialized Texts. SERDICA Bulg. math. public., Vol.13, 1987, 239-251.

P.Barnev, S.Kerpedjiev. Automatic Data Extraction from Specialized Texts. SERDICA Bulg. math. public., Vol.13, 1987, 137-143.


S. Kerpedjiev, G. Carenini, N. Green, J. Moore, and S. Roth. Saying It in Graphics: from Intentions to Visualizations. In: Proc. of Information Visualization, IEEE, Research Traingle Park, NC, Oct 19-20, 1998.

S. Kerpedjiev, G. Carenini, S. Roth, and J. Moore. Integrating Planning and Task-based Design for Multimedia Presentation. In: Proc. Intern. Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces, ACM, Orlando, FL, Jan. 6-9 1997, 145-152.

C. Subramaniam, S. Kerpedjiev. BRMS: Monitoring Basin Rainfall and Potential Flooding. In: Proc. Int. Emergency Management and Engineering Conference, Holliwood Beach, FL, April 1994, 353-358.

S. Kerpedjiev. Weather Assertions for Environmental Decision Making. In: Proc. 21st Conf. on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology and 11th Conf. on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, March 7-11, 1994, San Diego, CA, AMS, J9-J10.

S. Kerpedjiev. MeteoAssert: Generation and Organization of Weather Assertions from Gridded Data. In: Proc. 10th Conf. on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, March 1-4, 1994, San Antonio, TX, IEEE Press, 275-281.

S. Kerpedjiev. Model-driven Hypermedia Access to Weather Information. In: Proc. 2nd Conf. on Information and Knowledge Management, November 1-5, 1993, Arlington, VA, ACM, 374-383.

S. Kerpedjiev. Generation of Informative Texts with Style. In: Proc. 2nd Conf. on Computational Linguistics COLING-92, Nantes, France, 23-28 July 1992.

S. Kerpedjiev. Generation of Multimodal Weather Reports. In: Aspects of Automated Natural Language Generation, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, No 587 (Proc. 6th Int. Workshop on Natural Language Generation, Trento, Italy, April, 1992), Eds. R. Dale, E. Hovy, D. Rosner, and O. Stock, Springer Verlag, New York, 284-286.

S. Kerpedjiev. Automatic Generation of Multimodal Weather Reports from Datasets. In: Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Applied Natural Language Processing, Trento, Italy, 1-3 April 1992, ACL, 48-55.

S.Kerpedjiev. Automatic Extraction of Information Structures from Documents. In: Proc. First Intern. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR'91, Saint-Malo, France, 30 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1991, AFCET, 32-40.

S.Kerpedjiev. Graph and Pattern Languages for String Description. In: Proc. 16th Intern. Summer School "PROGRAMMING'91", Sofia, 20-28 May 1991, 111-116.

S.Kerpedjiev. Automatic Tabulation of Data Extracted from Specialized Texts: An Experience with Protocols of an Administrative Council. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 20th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1991, 287-294.

S.Kerpedjiev. Automatic Analysis of Documents - Essence, Problems, Prospects. Abstract in: Proc. First Nat. Conf. with Intern. Participation "Information Technologies in Management", 4-6 October 1990, Dobrich, 43-44, in Bulgarian.

S.Kerpedjiev, V. Noncheva. Intelligent Handling of Weather Forecasts. In: Proc 13th Intern. Conf. on Computational Linguistics COLING-90, Helsinki, 20-25 August 1990), vol.3., 379-381.

S.Kerpedjiev. Computational Model of the Analysis of Specialized Texts. In: Proc. 5th Intern. Seminar "Methodology of Mathematical Modelling", Drouzhba, 4-9 June 1990, 313-315.

S. Kerpedjiev. Formal description of some layout and lexical phenomena observed in electronic texts in Bulgarian. In: Proc. 15th Intern. Summer School "PROGRAMMING'90", Drouzhba, 20-30 May 1990, 167-168.

S. Kerpedjiev, S. Barneva. Frequency Analysis of Tables. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 19th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1990, 230-235.

S. Kerpedjiev, S. Nedkova, R. Nikolova. On a Method of Document Synthesis Using a Phraseological Dictionary. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 19th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia,1990, 224-229.

P. Barnev, M. Barneva, S. Kerpedjiev, M. Shishkova. An Educational System for Description and Execution of Algorithms. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 19th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia,1990, 167-173, in Bulgarian.

S. Kerpedjiev. Uncertain and Fuzzy Information in Weather Forecasts: An Experimental Study. In: Proc. Intern. Conf. "Intelligent Management Systems", Drouzhba, 26 Sept. - 2 Oct. 1989, 94-104.

P.Barnev, S.Denchev, V.Dikov, D.Dimov, D.Dichev , D.Dobrev, S.Kerpedjiev, B.Kokinov, G.Kulekov, K.Markov, H.Hristov, D.Shishkov, V.Shkurtov. Basic Notions in Informatics. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 18th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1989, 121-133, in Bulgarian.

S.Kerpedjiev. Frequency Study of Scientific Papers. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 18th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1989, 359-366, in Bulgarian.

S.Kerpedjiev. An Examination of a Technique of Automatic Data Extraction from Specialized Texts. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 17-th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1988, 445-450.

V. Shkurtov, S. Kerpedjiev. A Subscription System for Correspondence. In: Proc. KNVVT Conf. on Automation of Information Processes through Personal Computers, ed. I.Ratko, 6-9 May 1986, Budapest, 215-228, in Russian.

S. Kerpedjiev. Using Contextual Information in Compound Objects Recognition. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 14th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1985, 435-441, in Russian.

P.Barnev, S.Kerpedjiev. An approach to data input in free format applied to dates and postal addresses. In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 13th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1984, 244-255, in Russian.


Green, N., Carenini G., Kerpedjiev S., Roth S., and Moore J. A Media-Independent Content Language for Integrated Text and Graphics Generation. In: Proc. of the Workshop on Content Visualization and Intermedia Representations (CVIR'98) of the 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING '98) and the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL'98). Sponsored by Coling-ACL'98 and ACL SIGMEDIA. Montreal, Canada, August 15, 1998. Also available in PDF file.

Nancy Green, Stephan Kerpedjiev, Steven F. Roth, Giuseppe Carenini, and Johanna Moore. Generating Visual Arguments: a Media-independent Approach. In: Proc. AAAI98 Workshop on Representations for Multi-modal Human-Computer Interaction. Madison, Wisconsin, July 26 - 27, 1998. Also available in PDF file.

Nancy Green, Stephan Kerpedjiev, Steven F. Roth, Giuseppe Carenini, and Johanna Moore. Media-independent Communicative Actions in Integrated Text and Graphics Generation. In: Working Notes of 1997 AAAI Fall Symposium on Communicative Action in Humans and Machines.

S. Kerpedjiev. Multimedia Description of Events Caused by Weather Phenomena. In: Proc. AAAI-94 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Environmental Applications (12th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Seattle, Washington, August 1994).

S. Kerpedjiev. Describing Spatial Relations in Weather Reports through Prepositions. In: Proc. AAAI-94 Workshop on Integration of Natural Language and Vision Processing (12th National Conference on Aritificial Intelligence, Seattle, Washington, August 1994).

S.Kerpedjiev. Investigation of the System of Notions in Informatics through the Method of Free Classification. Abstract in: Proc. Anniversary Scientific Session of the Institute "Gamal Abdel Nassar", 15-16 June 1988, Sofia, p. 130, in Bulgarian.

P.Barnev, S.Kerpedjiev. Basic Notions in Informatics (position paper). In: Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, 17th Spring Conf. of UBM, Sofia, 1988, 707-717, in Bulgarian.


P.Barnev, S.Kerpedjiev. Organization of the Education on Informatics in High Schools and Universities. Education in Mathematics and Informatics, No 1, 1990, 27-31, in Bulgarian.

V.Monahov, L.Dakovski, P.Barnev, A.Kuznetzov, D.Smekalin, E.Utlinski, S. Kerpedjiev, Z.Slavov. A Curriculum on Informatics for the 9. Class of the School. Education in Mathematics and Informatics, No 4,1989 , 8-11, in Bulgarian.

P.Barnev, P.Azalov, M.Barneva, D.Dobrev, S.Kerpedjiev, S.Popratilov. A Long-Term Programme for Education on Informatics in the School. Education in Mathematics and Informatics, No 1, 1987, 1-5, in Bulgarian.


S. Kerpedjiev. Some Applications of Informatics in Meteorology. Science, No 2, 1993, 9-15, in Bulgarian.

S.Kerpedjiev. Before writing our first article. Science, No 4, 1991, 27-30, in Bulgarian.


V.Monahov, A. Kuznetzov, D. Smekalin, E. Utlinski, P. Barnev, S. Kerpedjiev, Z. Slavov. Informatics: Experimental Manual for the Secondary School. MNP, Sofia, 1991, in three parts, 504 p., in Bulgarian.

V. Monahov, A. Kuznetzov, D. Smekalin, E. Utlinski, P. Barnev, S. Kerpedjiev, Z. Slavov. Informatics: Methodical Manual for the Teacher. MNP, Sofia, 1991, 115 p., in Bulgarian.

Concise Encyclopedia of Sciences. Ed. E.Golovinski, Dr. P. Beron, Sofia, 1989, in Bulgarian, the six entries on Computer Science written by S.Kerpedjiev.