
Biomedical Science Tower
University of Pittsburgh
PA, 15261
Ph: 412-648-1222


NMR Facility Personnel


Judith Klein-Seetharaman E1058 Biomedical Science Tower
200 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA - 15261
Tel. 412-383-7325/412 268 8249
Fax. 412-648-1945
Pei Tang W1357 Biomedical Science Tower
200 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA - 15261
Tel. 412-383-9798
Fax. 412-648-9587
Yan Xu  W1358 Biomedical Science Tower
200 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA - 15261
Tel. 412-648-9922
Fax. 412-648-9587
NMR Lab Manager
Michael J. Delk Structural Biology Program
University of Pittsburgh
E1340 Biomedical Science Tower
200 Lothrop Street
Pittsburgh, PA - 15261
email: mid15@pitt.edu
Mobile. 412-370-0066
Dept. Tel. 412-648-8383
Fax. 412-648-2229


Group Members

Klein Lab
Harpreet Dhiman Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Pharmacology
email: hkd1@pitt.edu
BSTWR W1003.
Tel:  412-648-2057.
Fax:  412-648-1945.

David Man Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Pharmacology
Email: sdm14+@pitt.edu
Office: BST W1003
Tel: 412-6482057
Fax:  412-648-1945.
Naveena Yanamala Master's Student
Carnegie Mellon University
Email: naveena@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel:  412-648-2057.
Tang Lab
Zhanwu Liu


Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Anesthesiology
Email: liuxzx@anes.upmc.edu
Tel: 412 648 9137/8 2945
Michael John Yonkunas Graduate Student
Department of Anesthesiology
Email: mjy2@pitt.edu
Tel: 412 648 9137
Xu Lab
Kanishka Bhutani Graduate Student
Department of Anesthesiology
Email: b_kanishka@yahoo.com
Tel: 412 648 9137/8 2945
Nicole Brandon Department of Anesthesiology
Tel: 412 648 9137/8 2945
Dejian Ma Postdoctoal Associate
Department of Anesthesiology
Email: maxxdx@anes.upmc.edu
Tel: 412 648 9137/8 2945





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