Roller hockey around CMU / Pitt

[Mailing list] [Rinks] [Links]

There are a few outdoor rinks near close to the CMU / Pitt campuses (check out the rinks page for additional information).   The outdoor roller hockey activity starts in early Spring, and continues throughout the Summer until late Autum.  Also, there are a couple of places around Pittsburgh that have indoor roller hockey rinks, making it possible to play thoughout the winter.  The goal of this document is to provide basic to get started anyone interested in playing pickup roller hockey close to campus.   The easiest way to find out when and where pickup games are played is by subscribing to the roller hockey mailing list.

Mailing list.

Announcements about roller hockey pickup games around the area are posted to the list.  Read the instructions if you want to subscribed to the list.

Subscribing and unsubscribing:
Simply send email to the list administrator expressing your interest to join the list.  The address for the list administrator roller-hockey-owner at (Replace' at ' with '@' and remove the spaces)

To post a message to the list send e-mail to:

Additional technical information about the mailing list can be found here.

Roller hockey rinks.

Information and directions to nearby rinks can be located here.


Roller hockey

Ice hockey

Ice rinks around Pittsburgh:


[Mailing list] [Rinks] [Links]