15-744: Computer Networks Syllabus


There are no official texts for the course. As background, we suggest several texts:


Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights:

The quizzes will be in-class, one near midterm and one near the end of the semester.

The project in 15-744 is an open-ended research project, done in groups of two. The project requires a proposal, a project status report, and a final report (both written and presented).

There will be a few problem sets assigned during the term that will constitute 25% of your grade. Problem sets will be a mix of theory and hands-on programming assignments.


Date Topics Notes Readings
Mon 01/12 Intro: 30 years of Internet Research
HW1 Assigned
Fri 01/16 Blackbox Internet Application Measurement
PPLive1, PPLive2, Youtube IMC, Skype IPTPS
Mon 01/19 MLK day -- no class
Fri 01/23 Internet Research 30 years ago
CerfKahn, E2E, Hints
Mon 01/26 Example Projects
HPhowto, YourFavoritePaper
Fri 01/30 Internet Research 20 years ago: SIGCOMM 88
Jacobson88, DKS89, RJ88
Mon 02/02 Internet Research 20 years ago: SIGCOMM 88 II
HW1 Due (in class) Francis88, Clark88
Fri 02/06 Congestion control in the 90s
Keshav91, RED
Mon 02/09 Congestion control in the 2000s
Fri 02/13 Multicast in 90s
Deering, RLM
Mon 02/16 Project proposal presentation
Proposals due Sun night
Fri 02/20 Multicast in 2000s
ESM, Splitstream
Mon 02/23 QoS
Fri 02/27 Blackbox Internet Measurement
Caceres91, Paxson96
Mon 03/02 Internet Topology
Rocketfuel, Biases
Fri 03/06 Mid-semester break -- no class
Mon 03/09 Spring Break -- no class
Fri 03/13 Spring Break -- no class
Mon 03/16 Routing
StablePaths, ASRelationships
Fri 03/20 Midterm -- in class
Mon 03/23 Web
Olympics, Persistent
Fri 03/27 Network Design
RoutingDesign, RoutingGlue
Mon 03/30 In-Network Measurement
TrajectorySampling, cSamp
Fri 04/03 Network Security
Worms, ListenWhisper
Mon 04/06 Wireless Networking
XORsintheAir, TCPWireless
Wed 04/08 Distributed Hash Tables
Class will be in Wean 5409 1500-1615 pm Chord
Fri 04/10 No class (moved to 4/8)
schedule project discussions
Mon 04/13 No class (Projects!!)
Fri 04/17 No class (Projects!!)
Mon 04/20 DNS
Development, Measurement
Fri 04/24 New network architectures
ActiveNets, Indirection, Capabilities
Mon 04/27 What is good research
Hamming, Patterson, Newell
Fri 05/01 Project Presentations
Will be in WeH 5328 230pm-5pm
Fri 05/08 Final Exam
Will be in WeH 4615A 2pm-4pm

Last updated: Wed Apr 29 11:51:51 -0400 2009 [validate xhtml]