Class transparent_blank


public class transparent_blank
extends hv_fill_blank

This class implements an expandable transparent blank. This is used in cases where we need a blank for sizing, but don't want to actually draw anything. This blank has a zero border. Two constructors are provided: one based on a requested exterior size, and one based on a requested interior size (the resulting interior drawing area). Since we have zero border however, you get the same result in either case.

Fields inherited from class
_draw_area_h, _draw_area_w, _draw_area_x_off, _draw_area_y_off, _h, _w
Fields inherited from class
_feature_points, _x, _y
Constructor Summary
transparent_blank(int size_kind, int req_w, int req_h)
          Construct a blank based on either an exterior or an interior size request (as indicated by size_kind being either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED respectively, which we promptly ignore since they are the same for us).
transparent_blank(int w_kind, int req_w, int h_kind, int req_h)
          Construct a blank based on either an exterior or an interior size requests (as indicated by size_kind being either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED respectively, which we promptly ignore since they are the same for us).
Method Summary
 blank build(int w_kind, int req_w, int h_kind, int req_h)
          Create a new blank of a given size using this one as a prototype.
 void draw_self(drawable on_surface, int at_x, int at_y)
          Draw the image of the blank on the given drawing surface with the top left corner of its bounding box at the given location.
Methods inherited from class
build, can_set_h, can_set_w, draw_area_h, draw_area_w, draw_area_x_off, draw_area_y_off, h, set_draw_area_h, set_draw_area_w, set_h, set_w, w
Methods inherited from class
feature_point, num_feature_points, set_feature_points, set_x, set_y, toString, x, y
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public transparent_blank(int size_kind,
                         int req_w,
                         int req_h)
Construct a blank based on either an exterior or an interior size request (as indicated by size_kind being either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED respectively, which we promptly ignore since they are the same for us).
int - size_kind either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED to indicate whether the given size request is for the whole image or the interior drawing area within the blank.
int - req_w requested width.
int - req_h requested height.


public transparent_blank(int w_kind,
                         int req_w,
                         int h_kind,
                         int req_h)
Construct a blank based on either an exterior or an interior size requests (as indicated by size_kind being either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED respectively, which we promptly ignore since they are the same for us).
int - w_kind either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED to indicate whether the given size request is for the whole image or the interior drawing area within the blank.
int - req_w requested width.
int - h_kind either EXTERIOR_SIZED, or INTERIOR_SIZED to indicate whether the given size request is for the whole image or the interior drawing area within the blank.
int - req_h requested height.
Method Detail


public blank build(int w_kind,
                   int req_w,
                   int h_kind,
                   int req_h)
Create a new blank of a given size using this one as a prototype. Sizes can be specified as interior size (indicating allowable internal drawing area) or exterior size (indicating the bound of the resulting blank) by coding INTERIOR_SIZED or EXTERIOR_SIZED respectively. In our case interior and exterior size is the same, so we promptly ignore the sizing type.
int - w_kind either EXTERIOR_SIZED or INTERIOR_SIZED to indicate whether the given size request is for the whole image or the interior drawing area within the blank.
int - req_w requested width.
int - h_kind either EXTERIOR_SIZED or INTERIOR_SIZED to indicate whether the given size request is for the whole image or the interior drawing area within the blank.
int - req_h requested height.
blank a new blank constructed based on this one as a prototype.
build in class blank_base


public void draw_self(drawable on_surface,
                      int at_x,
                      int at_y)
Draw the image of the blank on the given drawing surface with the top left corner of its bounding box at the given location. In our case this is easy since we draw nothing.
drawable - on_surface the drawing surface to draw on.
int - at_x the x location to place the image at.
int - at_y the y location to place the image at.
draw_self in class blank_base