Class offset_placement_rule


public class offset_placement_rule
extends op2_placement_rule

This class provides a composition placement rule for placing something a fixed distance from something else.

See Also:
composer, composition_part

Fields inherited from class
_ref_coord2, _ref_num2, _ref_obj2
Fields inherited from class
_ref_coord1, _ref_num1, _ref_obj1
Constructor Summary
offset_placement_rule(int referent, int referent_num, int referent_coord)
          Constructor that defaults to a zero offset (this then becomes an equality rule).
offset_placement_rule(int referent, int referent_num, int referent_coord, int offset_val)
          Constructor that defaults to a constant offset.
offset_placement_rule(int referent1, int referent_num1, int referent_coord1, int referent2, int referent_num2, int referent_coord2)
          Full constructor.
Method Summary
 int eval(composer comp_obj)
          Evaluate the rule to produce a value.
Methods inherited from class
get_op2, ref_coord2, ref_num2, ref_obj2, set_ref_coord2, set_ref_num2, set_ref_obj2
Methods inherited from class
get_op1, ref_coord1, ref_num1, ref_obj1, set_ref_coord1, set_ref_num1, set_ref_obj1
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public offset_placement_rule(int referent1,
                             int referent_num1,
                             int referent_coord1,
                             int referent2,
                             int referent_num2,
                             int referent_coord2)
Full constructor.
int - referent1 designator for which object we are computed from. This must be one of PART, PARM, or CONST.
int - refernent_num1 Number of part or parameter being refered to (or a constant value if referent == CONST).
int - referent_coord1 designator for which coordinate of the referent This must either be one of LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, HCENTER, or VCENTER, or it must be constructed from a feature point number (FPN) using either: (FPN << FEATURE_SHIFT) | FEATURE_X to designate the x value of a feature point, or as (FPN << FEATURE_SHIFT) | FEATURE_Y to designate the y value of a feature point.
int - referent2 designator for offest value we are computed from. This must be one of PART, PARM, or CONST.
int - refernent_num2 Number of part or parameter for offset (or a constant value if referent == CONST).
int - referent_coord2 designator for which coordinate of the offset referent.


public offset_placement_rule(int referent,
                             int referent_num,
                             int referent_coord,
                             int offset_val)
Constructor that defaults to a constant offset.
int - referent designator for which object we are computed from. This must be one of PART, PARM, or CONST.
int - refernent_num Number of part or parameter being refered to (or a constant value if referent == CONST).
int - referent_coord designator for which coordinate of the referent This must either be one of LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, HCENTER, or VCENTER, or it must be constructed from a feature point number (FPN) using either: (FPN << FEATURE_SHIFT) | FEATURE_X to designate the x value of a feature point, or as (FPN << FEATURE_SHIFT) | FEATURE_Y to designate the y value of a feature point.
int - offset_val the value of the constant offset.


public offset_placement_rule(int referent,
                             int referent_num,
                             int referent_coord)
Constructor that defaults to a zero offset (this then becomes an equality rule).
int - referent designator for which object we are computed from. This must be one of PART, PARM, or CONST.
int - refernent_num Number of part or parameter being refered to (or a constant value if referent == CONST).
int - referent_coord designator for which coordinate of the referent This must either be one of LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, HCENTER, or VCENTER, or it must be constructed from a feature point number (FPN) using either: (FPN << FEATURE_SHIFT) | FEATURE_X to designate the x value of a feature point, or as (FPN << FEATURE_SHIFT) | FEATURE_Y to designate the y value of a feature point.
Method Detail


public int eval(composer comp_obj)
Evaluate the rule to produce a value. This basically just executes the function associated with the rule.
composer - comp_obj the composer object doing the evaluation. This object provides access the value of other parts, and to the set of parameters to the composition. It also keeps some of the evauation bookkeeping.
int the result of the evaluation.
eval in class op2_placement_rule