Class lens_info_drawable


public class lens_info_drawable
extends drawable_wrapper

Subclass of drawable_wrapper that is used simply to stash information coming from a lens for use by a lens-aware interactor object. This does not otherwise modify its drawing operations. Note: to work correctly, this must be the outermost drawable wrapper and not nested within other wrappers.

Field Summary
protected  java.lang.Object _lens_info
          The lens related information this drawable is holding.
protected  int _sem_draw_kind
          Integer identifier for the type of lens traversal that we are holding information for.
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.output.drawable_wrapper
Fields inherited from class sub_arctic.output.drawable
_ignore, g
Constructor Summary
lens_info_drawable(drawable rappee, int draw_kind, java.lang.Object lns_info)
          Full constructor
lens_info_drawable(java.awt.Graphics rappee)
          Constructor working from a Graphics.
Method Summary
 java.awt.Graphics create()
          Override create() to create the properly typed wrapper around a copy of the object we wrap.
 java.awt.Graphics create(int x, int y, int w, int h)
          Override create() to create the properly typed wrapper around a copy of the object we wrap.
 java.lang.Object lens_info()
          The lens related information this drawable is holding.
 int sem_draw_kind()
          Integer identifier for the type of lens traversal that we are holding information for.
 void set_lens_info(java.lang.Object info)
          Set the lens related information this drawable is holding.
 void set_sem_draw_kind(int id)
          Set the integer identifier for the type of lens traversal that we are holding information for.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Convert to a human readable string.
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.output.drawable_wrapper
arrowhead_bound, clearRect, clipRect, copy, copy, copyArea, dispose, draw_arrowhead, draw3DRect, drawArc, drawBytes, drawChars, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawLine, drawOval, drawPolygon, drawPolygon, drawRect, drawRoundRect, drawString, end_interactor_draw, fill_arrowhead, fill3DRect, fillArc, fillOval, fillPolygon, fillPolygon, fillRect, fillRoundRect, finalize, getClipBounds, getColor, getFont, getFontMetrics, getFontMetrics, graphics, mark_interactor_draw, setClip, setColor, setFont, setPaintMode, setXORMode, start_interactor_draw, tileImage, translate, wrappee
Methods inherited from class sub_arctic.output.drawable
arrowhead_bound, clear_rect, clip_rect, copy_area, draw_3D_rect, draw_arc, draw_arrowhead, draw_bytes, draw_chars, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_image, draw_line, draw_oval, draw_polygon, draw_polygon, draw_polyline, draw_rect, draw_round_rect, draw_string, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawImage, drawPolyline, drawString, fill_3D_rect, fill_arc, fill_arrowhead, fill_oval, fill_polygon, fill_polygon, fill_rect, fill_round_rect, get_clip_bounds, get_clip, get_color, get_font_metrics, get_font_metrics, get_font, getClip, set_clip, set_clip, set_color, set_font, set_paint_mode, set_XOR_mode, setClip, tile_image
Methods inherited from class java.awt.Graphics
getClipBounds, getClipRect, hitClip
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int _sem_draw_kind
Integer identifier for the type of lens traversal that we are holding information for. This is normally the sem_draw_kind from the lens doing the drawing.


protected java.lang.Object _lens_info
The lens related information this drawable is holding. The actual type of this object will depend on the lens and/or tranversal type and must be arranged by convention between the lens and lens aware interactors.
Constructor Detail


public lens_info_drawable(drawable rappee,
                          int draw_kind,
                          java.lang.Object lns_info)
Full constructor
drawable - rappee the drawable we create a wrapper around.
int - draw_kind the sem_draw_kind from the lens passing information in this object
Object - lns_info the information from the lens


public lens_info_drawable(java.awt.Graphics rappee)
Constructor working from a Graphics. We will basically create a plain drawable wrapping the given Graphics object, then use that as the drawable we wrap.
Graphics - rappee the object we are wrapper around.
Method Detail


public java.awt.Graphics create()
Override create() to create the properly typed wrapper around a copy of the object we wrap. Note: subclasses will typically need to do this also.
Graphics a new lens_info_drawable object copied from this one.
create in class drawable_wrapper


public java.awt.Graphics create(int x,
                                int y,
                                int w,
                                int h)
Override create() to create the properly typed wrapper around a copy of the object we wrap. Note: subclasses will typically need to do this also.
int - x x component of origin of new drawable
int - y y component of origin of new drawable
int - w width of new drawable
int - h height of new drawable
Graphics a new lens_info_drawable object derived from this one.
create in class drawable_wrapper


public int sem_draw_kind()
Integer identifier for the type of lens traversal that we are holding information for. This is normally the sem_draw_kind from the lens doing the drawing.


public void set_sem_draw_kind(int id)
Set the integer identifier for the type of lens traversal that we are holding information for. This is normally the sem_draw_kind from the lens doing the drawing.


public java.lang.Object lens_info()
The lens related information this drawable is holding. The actual type of this object will depend on the lens and/or tranversal type and must be arranged by convention between the lens and lens aware interactors.


public void set_lens_info(java.lang.Object info)
Set the lens related information this drawable is holding. The actual type of this object will depend on the lens and/or tranversal type and must be arranged by convention between the lens and lens aware interactors.


public java.lang.String toString()
Convert to a human readable string.
toString in class drawable_wrapper