Package sub_arctic.new_lib

Interface Summary
audio_navigation_aware This interface provides an API for objects that are aware of audio navigation and wish to provide specialized behavior.

Class Summary
arrow_wb_obj This class provides the implementation for an arrow- line object displayed on a historical_whiteboard object.
audio_navigator This class implements an audio based navigator (which also does visual halo feedback at the same time).
audio_renderer This class describes an audio segment that is to be "rendered" (aka played).
button This class implements a button in the current style.
checkbox This is a version of a toggle which implements the look of a checkbox via the style system.
generic_audio_xlation This interface provides audio navigation information (implements the audio_navigation_aware interface) for non audio-aware interactors.
halo_navigator This class provides a navigator object which is designed to be connected to a halo_container object to provide feedback about the current location.
historical_whiteboard Whiteboard demo app to work with a lens over time...
historical_whiteboard_lens Class to implement dragging and drawing for a simple lens that works with an historical_whiteboard object.
label_toggle This is a version of a toggle which implements the look of a label_toggle via the style system (which can have the look of either a radio button or a checkbox).
line_wb_obj This class provides the implementation for a line object displayed on a historical_whiteboard object.
line_wb_obj_state This class provides a class for storing the historical state of line objects that appear in an historical_whiteboard object.
multi_button This class implements a multi-state button object.
navigator_base This class provides a simple base class for objects which represents a current position within an interactor tree and provide an API for moving that position around in the tree (i.e., implement navigable).
radio_button This is a version of a toggle which implements the look of a radio button via the style system.
rect_wb_obj This class provides the implementation for a rectangle object displayed on a historical_whiteboard object.
style_backdrop A simple interactor that just fills its area with the default background pattern from the current style, but otherwise does nothing.
style_column This is a subclass of column which takes its drawing colors from the current style.
text_wb_obj This class provides the implementation for a text object displayed on a historical_whiteboard object.
text_wb_obj_state This class provides a class for storing the historical state of text objects that appear in an historical_whiteboard object.
toggle This class is a common superclass for checkbox and radio_button.
v_scrollbar This is a "style-free" vertical scrollbar interactor.
v_slider This class creates a vertical slider with either the default artkit or other look.
v_slider_display This the class that knows how to the display-side work of displaying a vertical scrollbar.
wb_obj_state This class provides the base class for storing the historical state of objects that appear in an historical_whiteboard object.
whiteboard_obj This abstract class provides the API and base implementation for an object displayed on a historical_whiteboard object.